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The victory gave Nigel Farage a platform at the centre of politics.

The victory gave Nigel Farage a platform at the centre of politics.
The victory gave Nigel Farage a platform at the centre of politics.


So Nigel Farage finally went to Westminster and sat on the green bench.

After seven failed attempts, the Reform UK leader has won his seat in parliament. He changed his mind mid-campaign, stood for election and was persuaded to take up the seat by the people of Clacton.

His party may not have lived up to early exit poll expectations of 13 seats, but with Mr Farage, they will have four more, putting them in the centre of power under Reform UK's sky blue banner.

The party welcomes this as a landmark moment, and there is no doubt about its significance.

Firstly, by winning a seat in parliament, Mr Farage has been able to build a new platform at the heart of British politics.

When he was a member of the European Parliament, he used his position to spread his message, focusing mainly on criticizing the institutions through which he was elected.

Don't expect him to be quiet at Westminster – Nigel Farage certainly knows how to cause trouble.

Second, the party sees this as a stepping stone to something better.

Former party leader Richard Tice, who resigned when Farage took over, had long been planning a two-round election strategy. This election was meant to build a base of support that could be built up until the next election.

In his victory speech in Clacton, Farage said his aim was to build a mass movement to properly contest the next general election.

He described the vacuum on the centre-right of British politics that he wanted to fill.

But they also acknowledged that while the party has surpassed their initial expectations this time around, it is not without its problems.

The second half of Reform UK's election campaign was marked by controversy over racist and homophobic comments from party members.

They had to eliminate a candidate because of his offensive remarks.

They criticised the speed of the recruitment and the failure to vet candidates. Today Nigel Farage admitted the party needed to be professionalised and democratised, saying he would get rid of the idiots who came in.

The rapid rise of young parties has caused political parties to expand and reveal cracks.

But it attracted enormous support and had a major impact on the election.

In addition to winning five seats, it came second in many others, largely at the expense of the Conservatives, which is already putting a strain on the party as it begins to consider its future direction.

Much of what happens next will depend on how the Conservatives respond, and whether they can put in place structures that can withstand the additional scrutiny that comes with an electoral success for Reform UK.

But these results only fuel Reform UK's ambitions.

Earlier this morning I asked Nigel Farage whether he would look to Downing Street in five years' time. He replied: Whatever happens happens.

It may seem like a daunting challenge, but what is clear is that the man who once promised a political earthquake has once again seriously shaken things up.




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