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New UK PM Starmer says controversial Rwandan deportation plan has been scrapped

New UK PM Starmer says controversial Rwandan deportation plan has been scrapped
New UK PM Starmer says controversial Rwandan deportation plan has been scrapped


British Prime Minister Keir Starmer pledged to make changes on his first day in office on Saturday, saying he would scrap the Conservative Party's controversial policy of deporting asylum seekers from Rwanda, but warned it would take time.

Starmer said at his first press conference that the Rwanda plan was dead and buried before it even started. It never acted as a deterrent. It did quite the opposite.

The announcement was widely expected, with Starmer saying he would abandon plans that had cost hundreds of millions of dollars but never got off the ground.

The new government held its first cabinet meeting and a news conference as it faces the enormous task of resolving a host of domestic challenges and persuading a population weary of years of austerity, political turmoil and economic stagnation.

Starmer welcomed the new ministers to 10 Downing Street, saying it was the honour of a lifetime to be asked to form a government at a ceremony where he was formally installed as Prime Minister by King Charles III.

“There's a ton of work to be done, so now we have to get on with it,” he said.

Starmer's Labour Party won a landslide victory on Friday on a platform of change, inflicting the biggest blow to the Conservatives in their 200-year history.

Among the many challenges they face are reviving a flagging economy, fixing a broken health care system and restoring trust in government.

Tim Bale, professor of politics at Queen Mary University of London, said Labour's landslide victory did not mean all the problems of the Conservative government disappeared.

Starmer, speaking for the first time as prime minister on Friday after a ceremonial kiss with Charles at Buckingham Palace, said he would get straight to work but cautioned it would take time for results to be seen.

He told a crowd of enthusiastic supporters outside his new official residence at 10 Downing that changing the country would not be like flipping a switch. It would take time. But there is no doubt that the work of change would begin immediately.

He will have a busy schedule following a six-week campaign across four countries in the UK.

He will travel to Washington next week for a NATO meeting and host a summit of the European Union political bloc on July 18, the day after the opening of parliament and the King's speech setting out the new government's agenda.

Starmer highlighted several key issues on Friday, including overhauling the revered but dysfunctional NHS and securing our borders, but he also cited wider global challenges for Europe and the US as they deal with the influx of migrants brought on by war, poverty, drought, heatwaves and floods caused by climate change.

The Conservatives have struggled to stem the flow of migrants across the English Channel, failing to deliver on former Prime Minister Risi Sunak's pledge to stop ships from deporting asylum seekers to Rwanda, a controversial plan that led to the country's 2018 easing of restrictions on migrants seeking asylum.

A woman rescued from the sea with other migrants is helped onto a beach on the southeast coast of England, August 16, 2023. Henry Nicholls / AFP – Getty Images file

Labour will have to find a solution for the small boats crossing the Channel, Bale said. It will scrap the Rwanda plan, but it will have to come up with another solution to deal with that particular problem.

Suela Breverman, a Tory hardliner on immigration, is seen as a strong candidate to succeed Sunack as party leader and has criticised Starmer's plans to end the Rwanda agreement.

She said on Saturday that after years of hard work, acts of parliament and millions of pounds had been spent on plans that would have worked if properly delivered. There was going to be a big problem ahead and it looked like Keir Starmer was the one causing it.

The Starmer cabinet has also begun its work.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy will begin his first overseas trip on Saturday, meeting his counterparts in Germany, Poland and Sweden to highlight the importance of ties with those countries.

Health Secretary Wes Streeting said new talks would begin next week with NHS doctors, who have staged a series of strikes over the past few days. The pay dispute has worsened the long waiting times for appointments that have become a feature of NHS problems.




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