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Outrage at Biden for allowing Iranian regime, which supports terrorism, to hold US elections

Outrage at Biden for allowing Iranian regime, which supports terrorism, to hold US elections
Outrage at Biden for allowing Iranian regime, which supports terrorism, to hold US elections


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JERUSALEM The Biden administration recently allowed Iranian citizens to vote in the totalitarian regime's sham presidential election from makeshift voting booths set up in a handful of American hotels, angering critics of the terror-sponsoring country.

Biden has given the green light to Iranian regime polling stations across America for the election of the Islamic Republic’s president. Friday’s vote resulted in the victory of Masoud Pezeshkian, a heart surgeon, over former nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. Pezeshkian received 53.3% of the vote while Jalili received 44.3%.

A polling station set up in a Seattle hotel allowed Iranian citizens to vote in the Islamic Republic's elections. Courtesy of Mirra Nassiri.

Many Iran observers complained bitterly on X that the mainstream media had wrongly portrayed the election as a vote between the “reformer” Pezeshkian and the “hardliner” Jalili.

Kaveh Shahrooz, an Iranian-Canadian expert on the Iranian regime, called for a “two-front battle” to debunk the myth that Pezeshkian is a reformer and to unite the Iranian opposition against the regime in Tehran.

“But now, with the election of a reformist president, they will revive their lies about the Iranian regime's ability to change,” Shahrooz writes.

The largely symbolic presidential post is controlled by the Islamic Republic's unelected Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, who has final say on domestic and foreign policy. Khamenei chooses the presidential candidates, which is why Iranians call it a “selection” and not a real election.

Last Friday, the first round of voting recorded the lowest turnout since the 1979 Islamic Revolution that established a theocratic state in the country. The Iranian regime’s Interior Ministry said yesterday’s elections produced more than 30 million votes. The alleged 50 percent turnout in the second round was higher than the 40 percent turnout in the first round on June 2, but still low by historical standards. Eyewitnesses and videos showed empty polling stations across Iran.


Lisa Daftari, a leading Iranian-American scholar of the Islamic Republic and editor-in-chief of the Foreign Desk, told Fox News Digital that the United States should not have facilitated the vote.

“The Biden administration’s decision to allow the regime to expand its influence on American soil is deeply troubling,” Daftari said. “The Islamic Republic has a history of violence against Americans and continues to hold American citizens hostage. It is disconcerting that an administration would grant access to such a rogue and murderous regime.”

Despite Iran being considered a terrorist state, the Biden administration has allowed Iranian citizens to vote in national elections from U.S. soil. Courtesy of Mirra Nassiri.

Daftari called it “ironic” that Iran appears to be targeting voters in the United States because of a lack of voter turnout at home.

“Many Iranians refused to legitimize the regime by voting, yet Washington allowed that regime to set up polling stations on American soil,” she said. “This decision raises serious questions about the current administration’s past and present foreign policy strategies, particularly as they relate to emboldening the Iranian regime.”

Asked about criticism of holding elections for the clerical regime on American soil, a US State Department spokesperson referred Fox News Digital to comments by principal deputy spokesman Vedant Patel.

“In this context, foreign governments that conduct election-related activities in the United States must do so in a manner consistent with U.S. law and regulation,” Patel said. “We respect the rights of Iranian citizens and diaspora citizens who protest or choose to participate in Iranian elections. And I will also emphasize that Iranians have conducted these kinds of activities in the United States before, so this is not new, as have a number of other governments, particularly since I have been here.”

Patel said the United States does not believe the Iranian elections are free or fair and does not expect them to “lead to a fundamental change in Iran's leadership or lead the Iranian regime to provide greater respect for human rights and dignity to its citizens.”

Fox News Digital has learned that at a polling station at a hotel in Lynnwood, Washington, on June 28, a security guard allegedly assaulted an Iranian-American man who objected to the election.

According to the police report obtained by Fox News Digital, a hotel security guard “grabbed her arm and attempted to take her phone.” The officer reviewed video of the confrontation and noted that he “did not see” the security guard warn the Iranian-American woman that her phone would be seized before attempting to take it from her.

A Lynwood police official said the criminal complaint has been forwarded to the prosecutors' office for review.

The Iranian-American woman, who wished to remain anonymous, told Fox News Digital she was shocked to learn the regime was collecting votes just miles from her home.

“I left Iran about 20 years ago, leaving behind my family, my friends, my hometown, the neighborhood where I grew up, all because I couldn’t live under a regime that told me what to wear, what to say, what to do, what to see and what not to see, a regime that killed and tortured its own people to stifle any voice of opposition,” she said. “So when I learned that there would be a polling station for the regime that kills, rapes and tortures my brothers and sisters, in my home state, I was shocked.”

Fox News Digital left repeated messages with the hotel manager and security guard, but neither received a response.


Fox News Digital confirmed Friday that the runoff election was not held at the Lynwood Hotel, but was moved to another Seattle-area hotel.

After Iranian-Americans and Iranian-Canadians showed up at the second hotel to protest on Friday, the manager called off the vote.

The Iranian regime announced the polling stations through its representative in the United States, the Pakistani embassy in Washington DC. A link was posted, which lists polling stations in more than 30 American cities. The voting information was released every Friday, apparently to prevent protests organized against the Iranian regime's elections.


Videos and photographs showed protests at polling places in Massachusetts, Arizona, California and Washington.

According to a report by Voice of America, the first round of voting took place at hotels and other establishments in Nebraska, New York, California, Texas, New Jersey, Ohio, Arizona, Chicago, Illinois and Kansas.




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