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Scorching heat hits millions across the United States, setting records and fueling wildfires

Scorching heat hits millions across the United States, setting records and fueling wildfires
Scorching heat hits millions across the United States, setting records and fueling wildfires


LAS VEGAS — About 130 million people were threatened through the weekend and into next week by a prolonged heat wave that has broken or tied records for dangerously high temperatures and is expected to break more from the East Coast to the West Coast, forecasters said.

In Ukiah, north of San Francisco, temperatures hit 110 degrees Fahrenheit (47 degrees Celsius) on Saturday, breaking the city's record for that date and matching its all-time high. In Livermore, east of San Francisco, temperatures hit 119.2 degrees Fahrenheit (43.8 degrees Celsius), breaking the daily high temperature record of 108.3 degrees Fahrenheit (42.7 degrees Celsius) set more than a century ago in 1905.

Las Vegas tied the record high of 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius), last set in 2007, and Phoenix peaked at 114 degrees Fahrenheit (45.5 degrees Celsius), just below the record high of 116 degrees Fahrenheit (46.7 degrees Celsius) set in 1942.

The National Weather Service said it is extending the excessive heat warning for much of the Southwest through Friday.

A dangerous and historic heat wave is beginning to spread across the region, with temperatures expected to peak between Sunday and Wednesday, the National Weather Service in Las Vegas said in an updated forecast.

In Las Vegas, where the mercury hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius) at 10:30 a.m., Marko Boscovich said the best way to beat the heat is to sit at a slot machine with a cold beer in an air-conditioned casino.

“But you know, after you hit triple digits, it's about the same for me,” said Boscovich, who had come from Sparks, Nev., to see Dead & Company perform Saturday night at the Sphere. Maybe they'll play one of my favorites, Cold Rain and Snow.

In the wettest parts of the country, temperatures could exceed 100 degrees F (about 38 degrees C) in parts of the Pacific Northwest, mid-Atlantic and Northeast, said Jacob Asherman, a meteorologist with the weather service.

Meteorologists predicted temperatures would be near daily records in the region for most, if not all, of the coming week, with highs in the desert reaching 115 to 120 degrees F (46.1 to 48.8 C).

Rare heat advisories have been extended even to higher elevations, including around Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border, with the National Weather Service in Reno, Nevada, warning of major impacts from the heat risk even in the mountains.

How hot are we talking about? Well, maximum temperatures in western Nevada and northeastern California won't drop below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit until next weekend, the online service said. And unfortunately, there won't be much respite overnight, either.

In fact, Reno hit a high of 104°F (40°C) on Saturday, breaking the previous record of 101°F (38.3°C).

Even more extreme temperatures are forecast in the near future, including 129 degrees Fahrenheit (53.8 degrees Celsius) on Sunday in Furnace Creek, California, in Death Valley National Park, then around 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54.4 degrees Celsius) through Wednesday.

The highest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth was 134 °F (56.67 °C) in July 1913 in Death Valley in eastern California, although some experts dispute this measurement and say the true record was 130 °F (54.4 °C), recorded there in July 2021.

Triple-digit temperatures are likely in the West, 15 to 30 degrees F (8 to 16 degrees C) above average through next week, the National Weather Service said.

The eastern United States is also bracing for even higher temperatures. Baltimore and other parts of Maryland are under an excessive heat warning, with heat index values ​​expected to climb to 43 degrees Celsius, forecasters said.

“Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, avoid the sun, and check on your family and neighbors,” reads a National Weather Service advisory for the Baltimore area. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in a vehicle.

In Arizona's Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, there have been at least 13 confirmed heat-related deaths this year, along with more than 160 other suspected heat-related deaths that are still under investigation, according to a recent report.

That doesn't include the death of a 10-year-old boy last week in Phoenix who suffered a heat-related medical issue while hiking with his family at South Mountain Park and Preserve, police said.

Firefighters have dispatched planes and helicopters to drop water or retardant on a series of wildfires in California.

In Santa Barbara County, northwest of Los Angeles, the Lake Fire has burned more than 19 square miles (49 square kilometers) of grass, brush and woods. Firefighters said the fire was exhibiting extreme behavior and had the potential to spread widely with high temperatures and low humidity.

At the Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland, Oregon, music fans coped by drinking cold water, seeking shade or cooling off under misters. Organizers of the weekend festivities also promoted free air conditioning at a nearby hotel.

Angelica Quiroz, 31, kept her scarf and hat damp and applied sunscreen.

There is a difference between shade and sun, Quiroz said Friday. But when you are in the sun, it feels like you are cooking.


In a previous version of this story, the name Angelica Quiroz was incorrectly spelled Angela Quiroz.


Associated Press reporter Julie Walker contributed from New York. Boone reported from Boise, Idaho, and Sonner reported from Reno, Nevada. Associated Press writers Adrian Sainz in Memphis, Tennessee, Jonathan Drew in Raleigh, North Carolina, John Antczak in Los Angeles, Rio Yamat in Las Vegas, Denise Lavoie in Richmond, Virginia, and Ben Finley in Norfolk, Virginia, contributed.




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