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At least 1 dead, records broken as heat wave continues in US

At least 1 dead, records broken as heat wave continues in US
At least 1 dead, records broken as heat wave continues in US


A long-running heat wave that has already broken previous records across the United States persisted Sunday, scorching parts of the West with dangerous temperatures that killed a motorcyclist in Death Valley and kept the East in its hot, humid grip.

An excessive heat warning (the National Weather Service's highest alert level) has been issued for about 36 million people, or about 10% of the population, NWS meteorologist Bryan Jackson said. Dozens of locations in the West and Pacific Northwest have matched or broken previous heat records.

Many parts of Northern California exceeded 110 degrees, with the city of Redding hitting a record 119. Phoenix set a new daily record for the hottest temperature on Sunday: it never dropped below 92 degrees.

A high temperature of 128 F was recorded Saturday and Sunday at Death Valley National Park in eastern California, where one visitor died Saturday from heat exposure and another person was hospitalized, authorities said.

A visitor reacts as he poses next to a thermometer reading 55 degrees Celsius at the Death Valley National Park Visitor Center. ETIENNE LAURENT/AFP via Getty Images

The two visitors were part of a group of six motorcyclists riding through the Badwater Basin area in scorching weather, the park said in a statement.

The person who died has not been identified. The other motorcyclist was taken to a Las Vegas hospital for “severe heat illness,” the statement said. Due to the high temperatures, emergency medical helicopters were unable to respond, as planes typically cannot safely fly above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, authorities said.

The other four members of the group were treated on site.

“While this is a very exciting time to experience potentially record-breaking temperatures in Death Valley, we encourage visitors to choose their activities carefully, avoiding extended periods of time outside in a vehicle or air-conditioned building when temperatures are this high,” said park Superintendent Mike Reynolds.

Officials have warned that heat-related illnesses and injuries are cumulative and can build up over the course of a day or several days.

“In addition to not being able to cool down while riding due to high ambient temperatures, experiencing Death Valley by motorcycle in this hot weather is further complicated by the heavy safety equipment needed to reduce injury in the event of an accident,” the park's statement said.

A sign warning of excessive heat at the Mesquite Flat sand dunes in Death Valley National Park. ETIENNE LAURENT/AFP via Getty Images

The high temperatures didn’t bother Chris Kinsel, a Death Valley visitor who said it was “like Christmas Day to me” to be there on a record-breaking day. Kinsel said he and his wife typically come to the park in the winter, when it’s still very warm — but that’s nothing compared to being in one of the hottest places on Earth in July.

“Death Valley in the summer has always been a dream destination for me. For most of my life, I’ve always wanted to come here in the summer,” said Kinsel, who was visiting the Badwater Basin area of ​​Death Valley from Las Vegas.

Kinsel said he plans to go to the park's visitor center to have his photo taken next to the digital sign displaying the current temperature.

Across the Nevada desert, Natasha Ivory took four of her eight children to a water park in Mount Charleston, outside Las Vegas, which saw a record high of 120 F on Sunday.

“They're having a lot of fun,” Ivory told Fox5 Vegas. “I'm going to get wet, too. It's too hot not to.”

Jill Workman Anderson was also at Mount Charleston, taking her dog for a short hike and enjoying the view.

“We can see the desert,” she said. “It was also 30 degrees cooler than northwest Las Vegas, where we live.”

A man walks near the Las Vegas Strip during a heat wave in Las Vegas, Nevada, July 7, 2024. High temperatures in Las Vegas on Sunday could reach as high as 117 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the U.S. National Weather Service. ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images

Triple-digit temperatures were common across Oregon, where several records were broken, including in Salem, where they reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit on Sunday, surpassing the 99-degree mark set in 1960. On the wetter East Coast, temperatures above 100 degrees were widespread, though no excessive heat advisories were in effect Sunday.

“Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, avoid the sun, and check on your family and neighbors,” reads an advisory from the Baltimore Area Weather Service. “Small children and pets should never be left unattended in a vehicle.”

Rare heat advisories have been extended even to higher elevations, including around Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border, with the weather service in Reno, Nevada, warning of a “major heat risk, even in the mountains.”

“How hot are we talking about? Well, highs in western Nevada and northeastern California won’t drop below 100 degrees until next weekend,” the online service said. “And unfortunately, there won’t be much respite overnight either.”

Even more extreme temperatures are predicted in the near future, including 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius) around midweek in Furnace Creek, California, in Death Valley. The highest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth was 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius) in July 1913 in Death Valley, though some experts dispute that measurement and say the real record was 130 degrees Fahrenheit (54 degrees Celsius), recorded there in July 2021.

Tracy Housley, from Manchester, England, said she decided to drive from her hotel in Las Vegas to Death Valley after hearing on the radio that temperatures could reach record highs.

“We said we had to be there for this,” Housley said Sunday. “Let's go out there and have this experience.”

In Arizona's Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, there have been at least 13 confirmed heat-related deaths this year, with more than 160 other deaths suspected to be heat-related and still under investigation, according to a recent report.

That doesn't include the death of a 10-year-old boy last week in Phoenix who suffered a “heat-related medical event” while hiking with his family at South Mountain Park and Preserve, police said.

In California, crews worked in sweltering conditions to battle a series of wildfires across the state.

In Santa Barbara County, northwest of Los Angeles, the Lake Fire, which had been burning since Friday, had burned more than 27 square miles (60 square kilometers) of dry grass, brush and woods after breaking out Friday. As of Sunday, there were still no measures under control. The fire was burning in a largely uninhabited wilderness area, but some rural homes were ordered to evacuate.

More information on CBS News




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