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6 things British Prime Minister Keir Starmer wants to fix in his first month in office – POLITICO

6 things British Prime Minister Keir Starmer wants to fix in his first month in office – POLITICO
6 things British Prime Minister Keir Starmer wants to fix in his first month in office – POLITICO


Relations with countries and regions

The new prime minister has embarked on a tour of Britain's devolved nations to seek to reset relations with the premiers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Discussing the four-nation tour at a press conference on Saturday, Starmer said he wanted to meet with prime ministers not just to discuss the challenges they face, but to establish different and better ways of working across the UK to the ones that have been used in recent years.

Keir Starmer will also meet with Underground mayors across the UK, all but one of whom are Labour Party members. | Henry Nicholls/Getty Images

In Scotland, he faces the task of building a constructive working relationship with the normally hostile Scottish National Party administration, which is in a very bad position after its heavy election defeat to Labour last Thursday, and tensions between the two parties over taxation of fossil fuel companies and transgender rights.

Starmer’s party may be delighted to see all the Welsh Conservatives completely swept in the election, but Labour is under enormous pressure to fix the NHS in Wales. Meanwhile, Labour’s first minister, Vaughan Gething, is in a gloomy position after losing a vote of confidence over donations to his leadership campaign.

When Starmer arrives in Belfast, he will highlight Labour’s intention to repeal the Conservative Legacy Act, which ended all criminal and civil proceedings related to the 1968-98 civil war in Northern Ireland and is hated by all parties there. The so-called Irish Sea border trade barrier between Britain and Northern Ireland, created by Boris Johnson’s 2019 Brexit deal, is also likely to be on the agenda, with Labour vowing to reduce border friction for businesses.

Starmer will also meet mayors across the UK, all but one of whom are Labour, ahead of his plans for greater regional decentralisation, expected to be one of the most important items in the King’s Speech. But he will also face uncomfortable questions about local government finances, with 200 currently teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

EU relations

After years of tension and hostility between Britain and its European neighbours over the terms and legacy of Brexit, Starmer has signalled his intention to open a new chapter in relations with the European Union.

The new chancellor spoke by phone with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz shortly after taking office, saying he wanted broader economic cooperation, and held a separate call with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss shared priorities including immigration and the economy.

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, less than 24 hours after taking office, made his first overseas trip to Berlin and declared it was time to reset relations with Europe's friends and allies.

His comments echoed those of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who said she looked forward to meeting Starmer in person to discuss ways to strengthen cooperation and reset the relationship between the UK and the EU.

The new chancellor told German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a phone call that he wanted greater economic cooperation.” | Clive Mason/Getty Images

Labor has put at the top of its agenda the ambitious goal of negotiating a veterinary agreement with the bloc to smooth trade and reduce border friction for businesses.

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris said on Sunday the EU was fully open to discussing overhauling trade relations after Brexit.




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