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Heat wave ravages much of the United States, causes deaths in the West and hits the East

Heat wave ravages much of the United States, causes deaths in the West and hits the East


DEATH VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — After causing deaths and breaking records in the West over the weekend, a prolonged heat wave will hit the United States again Monday, with high temperatures also expected across large parts of the East Coast and the South.

Dangerous temperatures have killed a motorcyclist in Death Valley.

The U.S. heatwave came as global temperatures in June hit record highs for the 13th straight month and marked the 12th straight month the planet was 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than pre-industrial times, the European Union's Copernicus climate service said.

An excessive heat warning, the National Weather Service's highest alert, was in effect Monday for parts of states including California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington and Idaho, while parts of the East Coast as well as states including Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi were under heat advisories.

Dozens of locations across the West and Pacific Northwest matched or broke previous heat records over the weekend.

A high temperature of 128 degrees F (53.3 degrees C) was recorded Saturday and Sunday at Death Valley National Park in eastern California, where one visitor died Saturday from heat exposure and another person was hospitalized, authorities said.

The two visitors were part of a group of six motorcyclists riding through the Badwater Basin area in scorching weather, the park said in a statement.

The person who died has not been identified. The other motorcyclist was taken to a Las Vegas hospital with severe heat illness, the statement said. Due to the high temperatures, emergency medical helicopters were unable to respond, as planes typically cannot safely fly above 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48.8 degrees Celsius), authorities said.

The other four members of the group were treated on site.

Thor Teigen poses in a fur jacket next to a thermometer reading 131 degrees Fahrenheit/55 degrees Celsius at the Furnace Creek Visitor Center in Death Valley National Park, Calif., Sunday, July 7, 2024. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)

While this is a very exciting time to experience potentially record-breaking temperatures in Death Valley, we encourage visitors to choose their activities carefully, avoiding extended periods of time outside in a vehicle or air-conditioned building when temperatures are this high, said park Superintendent Mike Reynolds.

Caution is advised in case of high heat

Officials have warned that heat-related illnesses and injuries are cumulative and can build up over the course of a day or several days.

Lucita Corupuz, 80, visiting St. Louis, shields herself from the sun as she tours the University of Washington campus with her family, Sunday, July 7, 2024, in Seattle. (Ken Lambert/The Seattle Times via AP)

People cool off in misters along the Las Vegas Strip, Sunday, July 7, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)

In addition to not being able to cool down while riding due to high ambient temperatures, experiencing Death Valley by motorcycle in this hot weather is further complicated by the heavy safety gear needed to reduce injuries in the event of an accident, the park's statement said.

Across the Nevada desert, Las Vegas recorded a record high temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48.8 degrees Celsius) on Sunday.

Triple-digit temperatures were common across Oregon, where several records were broken, including in Salem, where on Sunday they reached 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius), surpassing the 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius) mark set in 1960.

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, avoid the sun, and check in on family and neighbors. Read weather advisories for the Baltimore area. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in a vehicle.

Heat records broken in the South West

Rare heat advisories have been extended even to higher elevations, including around Lake Tahoe on the California-Nevada border, with the weather service in Reno, Nevada, warning of major impacts from the heat risk even in the mountains.

What's the maximum temperature? Maximum temperatures in western Nevada and northeastern California won't drop below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit until next weekend, the online service said. And unfortunately, there won't be much respite overnight, either.

Even more extreme temperatures are predicted in the near future, including 130°F (54.4°C) around midweek in Furnace Creek, California, in Death Valley. The highest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth was 134°F (56.67°C) in July 1913 in Death Valley, though some experts dispute this measurement and say the real record was 130°F (54.4°C), recorded there in July 2021.


Weber reported from Los Angeles. AP journalists Margery Beck in Omaha, Nebraska, and Walter Berry in Phoenix contributed to this report.




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