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Policy Statement on Onshore Wind

Policy Statement on Onshore Wind
Policy Statement on Onshore Wind


1. Achieving our clean power mission will make the UK more energy independent, cut energy costs, support highly skilled jobs and help tackle the climate crisis. That’s why we are committed to doubling onshore wind energy by 2030. That means immediately lifting the effective ban on onshore wind in the UK that has been in place since 2015. We are revising planning policy to bring onshore wind into line with other energy developments in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

2. Current planning policy includes two tests set out in notes 57 and 58 of NPPF 163, which apply only to onshore wind. When the two tests are considered together, development can be considered acceptable.

a. Areas allocated through development plans, local development orders, neighbourhood development orders and community building rights orders. These set higher standards than those set for other forms of development.

b. Where the proposal has demonstrated community support, except in cases where there are objections to the proposal, such as those provided for in Neighborhood Development Orders and Community Right to Build Orders. In practice, this has often been interpreted to mean that a proposal cannot be considered acceptable if there is opposition.

3. These policy tests no longer apply. Removing these tests from planning policy means that onshore wind applications will be treated in the same way as other energy development proposals.

4. These changes will take effect from today (8 July 2024). The Government will confirm this position to Parliament on 18 July after the country opens. These changes will also be reflected in the forthcoming NPPF update.

5. In this update, we will set out our proposals for a wider range of changes to support renewable energy development. Alongside this, we will consult on bringing large-scale onshore proposals into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects Scheme to support rapid decision-making, followed by a revised national policy statement. Communities will play a vital role in delivering this mission, and we will empower them to participate in decisions about their local infrastructure. Communities should rightly benefit from hosting local renewable energy infrastructure, and so we will shortly publish an update to the Community Benefits Protocol for onshore wind in England.

Annotated NPPF extract

162. When deciding on a planning application, the local planning authority must anticipate that the new development will:

a) Comply with all development planning policies regarding local requirements for decentralised energy supply, unless the applicant demonstrates that this is feasible or not feasible having regard to the type and design of the development concerned.

b) Minimize energy consumption by considering topography, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping.

163. When deciding on a planning application for renewable and low-carbon development, local planning authorities must:

a) We do not require applicants to demonstrate a general need for renewable or low-carbon energy, recognising that even small projects can make a valuable contribution to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

b) approve the application if the impacts are acceptable (or acceptable). 58. Once a suitable area for renewable and low-carbon energy has been identified in the plan, the local planning authority must demonstrate in any subsequent application for a commercial-scale project outside of that area that the proposed location meets the criteria used to identify the suitable area.

c) In the case of applications for re-operation and extension of the life of existing renewable energy facilities, the benefits of utilizing existing facilities will be substantially taken into account and the proposal will be approved if the impact is at an acceptable level or is tolerable.

Footnote 163 (no longer applicable)




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