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American Steel Company (X)


A company committed to helping military employees succeed

VIRGINIA, Minn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) (US Steel) has been named a “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company” by the Minnesota National Guard, a designation that exemplifies US Steel’s ongoing commitment to providing an inclusive and supportive work environment for veterans. On June 27, US Steel Minnesota Ore Operations hosted a formal proclamation event commemorating this achievement.

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Pictured from left to right: Col. (ret.) Chad Sackett, deputy state chairman and Region 4 chairman, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR); Amy Flannigan, US Steel, team leader, mining operations; Chad Buus, US Steel, senior sector leader, mining maintenance; Travis Kolari, US Steel, plant manager II; Taylor Kristoffe-Jones, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon corporate outreach coordinator; Col. Nathan P. Aysta, commander, 148th Fighter Wing, Minnesota Air National Guard; and Col. (ret.) Jason C. Taliaferro, US Steel sales director, at the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon ceremony. (Photo: Business Wire)

Created to support a comprehensive network of community and corporate support that connects and coordinates agencies, organizations and other resources, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon helps meet the needs of Minnesota’s military veterans, service members and families from all branches of the military. Becoming an officially certified Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company sends a message to current and prospective employees, as well as the community, that US Steel has the support structure in place to enable a successful transition to the workforce for service members and employees impacted by military service. In 2023, 12% of new hires at US Steel were veterans.

“Becoming a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon company exemplifies our ongoing commitment to our military veterans and their families,” said Travis Kolari, Minnesota ore processing operations manager for US Steel. “We want all of our employees, current and prospective, to know that we strive every day to provide the best possible workplace, one that prioritizes inclusion and teamwork for every team member.”

Through its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), US Steel has created workplaces where employees feel included and valued. The SERVE ERG is dedicated to supporting employees who are either active reservists or veterans of our nation’s armed forces.

Jason Taliaferro, SERVE ERG President and US Steel Sales Director, supported the Minnesota Ore SERVE Chapter’s efforts to achieve the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon award. “As a 23-year veteran, I am extremely grateful for the value US Steel places on military service and proud of our company’s dedication to supporting the veteran community,” said Taliaferro. US Steel is a place where service members can thrive and the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon award is proof of that.

“This emergency resource group provides valuable and ongoing assistance to service members and their families,” said Mona Dine, chief diversity officer at US Steel. “Their work on behalf of our service members and our commitment to an inclusive workplace was essential to earning the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon distinction.”

About US Steel

Founded in 1901, United States Steel Corporation is a leading steel producer. With an unwavering focus on safety, the company’s customer-centric Best for All strategy fosters a safer, more sustainable future for US Steel and its stakeholders. With a focus on innovation, US Steel serves the automotive, construction, appliance, energy, container and packaging industries with high-value steel products such as US Steel’s proprietary XG3 advanced high-strength steel. The company also maintains a competitively advantageous iron ore production and has an annual crude steelmaking capacity of 22.4 million net tons. US Steel is headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and has world-class operations in the United States and Central Europe. For more information, please visit

American Steel 2024. All rights reserved.

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Source: United States Steel Corporation




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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