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Terry Smith defends decision to shun US tech stock Nvidia

Terry Smith defends decision to shun US tech stock Nvidia


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Investment manager Terry Smith has defended his decision to shun US tech giant Nvidia after his fund paid the price for skepticism about the chipmaker's ability to continue growing at a rapid pace.

The Smiths Global Fund's returns lagged its benchmark in the first half of the year as it missed out on a rally in semiconductor stocks.

It shows the pitfalls facing fund managers who select stocks in anticipation of rising future profits and avoid companies like Nvidia because they question ambitious growth forecasts.

The $25 billion Fundsmith Equity portfolio, which focuses on growth stocks, includes holdings in some of the largest US technology companies Apple, Meta and Microsoft.

But Smith said in his semiannual letter to shareholders that he had chosen to avoid chipmaker Nvidia, which last month briefly became the world's most valuable company, surpassing $3 trillion.

Smith said his fund does not own any Nvidia companies because we have not yet been convinced that its prospects are as predictable as we would like.

The move also highlights problems with the inability to own the big tech stocks that dominate the U.S. stock market.

Nvidia, Microsoft, Amazon, Meta and Apple accounted for nearly 60% of the S&P 500's 14% gain in the first half of the year.

Smith said it was difficult to achieve outperformance in his fund because of its avoidance of Nvidia and its lack of ownership of other technology companies.

He added that the funds' stake in Apple remains low as we patiently wait for the stock price to reflect the company's current trading.

Last year, Smith sold his stake in online retailer Amazon, which the fund only began buying in 2021, telling investors he was concerned about a potential misallocation of capital.

In the six months to the end of June, Fundsmith Equity returned 9.3%, compared with 12.7% for the MSCI World Index in sterling terms.

The S&P 500 index returned 17% over the period in sterling terms, a quarter of which came from Nvidia, according to Smith.

Smith said a six-month return of more than 9% would normally be cause for celebration, but he highlighted the strong performance of the global index.

There is no doubt that as an active manager, if you do not own AI stocks, you are probably underperforming. [at the moment]said Andrew Slimmon, senior portfolio manager at Morgan Stanley Investment Management.

Smith said his top performing stocks during the period were Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, Facebook owner Meta, Microsoft, Alphabet and US medical device company Stryker.

However, the fund's worst-performing stocks include beauty company LOral, pet health-care company Idexx, sportswear company Nike, spirits and wine maker Brown-Forman and software group Waters.




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