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American Bishops Receive Missions

American Bishops Receive Missions
American Bishops Receive Missions


Key points:

Many of the denomination’s jurisdictional conferences in the United States, which are meeting this week across the country, have reshuffled their episcopal boundaries to allow for fewer bishops. Only the Western Jurisdiction is holding episcopal elections this year because of a drastically reduced denominational budget. At least one bishop will oversee conferences in two jurisdictions.

The denomination's five U.S. jurisdictional conferences are meeting across the country this week to make decisions that will help shape the denomination's future.

While jurisdictions typically elect bishops every four years after General Conference, only the Western Jurisdiction is holding episcopal elections this year because of a drastically reduced denominational budget. In May, the denomination’s international legislative assembly voted to reduce the number of active U.S. bishops from 39 to 32.

Jurisdictional conferences determine the boundaries of the episcopal areas served by bishops and the boundaries of conferences within those episcopal areas. Each jurisdictional conference also votes on where the bishops assigned to it are assigned. Most jurisdictions have realigned the boundaries of their episcopal areas to accommodate the reduced number of bishops, and some plan to share bishops among jurisdictions.

All active bishops are eligible for reassignment to jurisdictional conferences; episcopal assignments take effect September 1.

Here are the missions announced so far, by conference.

Northeastern Jurisdiction

Baltimore-Washington and the Delaware Peninsula: Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling

Eastern Pennsylvania and Greater New Jersey: Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

New York and New England: Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton

Upper New York and Susquehanna: Bishop Héctor A. Burgos-Núñez

Western Pennsylvania: Bishop Sandra L. Steiner Ball

West Virginia: Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett, who will also lead the Holston Conference in the Southeastern Jurisdiction.

The Northeast jurisdiction includes the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia.

South-Central Jurisdiction

Arkansas, Oklahoma and Oklahoma Indian Missionary: Bishop Laura Merrill

Great Plains: Bishop David Wilson

Louisiana: Bishop Delores Williamston

Missouri: Bishop Robert Farr

North Texas, Central Texas and Northwest Texas: Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. (the jurisdiction approved the unification of the three conferences into the Horizon Texas Conference, effective Jan. 1)

Texas and Rio Texas: Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey

*New Mexico Conference will remain open; Episcopal Committee considers coverage from another jurisdiction.

The South Central jurisdiction includes the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.

South East Jurisdiction

Alabama-West Florida and North Alabama: Bishop L. Jonathan Holston

Florida: Bishop Tom Berlin

Holston: Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett, who will also lead the West Virginia Conference in the Northeastern Jurisdiction.

Missionary of Kentucky, Tennessee, Western Kentucky and Central Appalachia: Bishop David Graves

Mississippi: Bishop Sharma Lewis

North Carolina: Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton

North Georgia and South Georgia: Bishop Robin Dease

South Carolina: Bishop Leonard Fairley

Virginia: Mgr Sue Haupert-Johnson

Western North Carolina: Bishop Kenneth Carter

The Southeast jurisdiction includes the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Press contact: Julie Dwyer at [email protected]To read more news about The United Methodist Church, subscribe to the free Daily or Weekly Digests.

Map of the episcopal areas of the Northeastern Jurisdiction by Mary Dalglish, Upper New York Conference. Click here to enlarge, then click on the image.




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