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Thousands of unfilled places at top UK universities ahead of A-level results announcement | Admissions

Thousands of unfilled places at top UK universities ahead of A-level results announcement | Admissions
Thousands of unfilled places at top UK universities ahead of A-level results announcement | Admissions


Leading UK universities are likely to see more school leavers enter their courses than in recent years, with thousands of undergraduate places unfilled in the week before A-level results are released.

According to a survey by the Press Association, Russell Group members of research-intensive universities advertised about 3,900 domestic undergraduate class positions for the fall semester, up from just 2,000 at the same time last year.

Last year, only 15 of the 24 Russell Group universities had subjects with unfilled places, but this year that number has risen to 18, with Manchester, Durham and Liverpool also joining the ranks of subjects with unfilled places.

Subjects are advertised through clearance, and applicants who do not receive an offer of admission or wish to change subjects can in most cases apply after receiving their test results.

A survey of 130 large universities in the UK found earlier this week that there were 23,000 course places available to students through clearing, compared with 22,400 last year.

As sixth form students across England, Wales and Northern Ireland receive their A-level and BTec grades on August 15, universities are preparing to make rapid decisions on applicants who just missed the grades required for entry and offer them places through the pass process.

Some experts predict that the proportion of top A-level grades awarded in the UK this year could be lower than in 2023, meaning universities that charge high fees may have to set more lenient entry requirements.

Mike Nicholson, head of recruitment, admissions and engagement at Cambridge University, said: “The driving force this year is to take in students who would have just missed out on a place.” [their required grades]And if you need more students on top of that, do some cleanup work.

However, it is likely to be a more advantageous position for the university, as they can fill the seats with students with good grades and students who unfortunately failed, and then they will not need to receive an acceptance letter.

Cambridge, along with Oxford and several other institutions, have not yet offered a course through Clearing this year.

The severe financial pressures facing universities, due to the long-term decline in domestic tuition fees and a decline in applications from both within the UK and abroad, create a strong incentive for institutions to fill their places or risk having to cut costs and lay off staff.

Nicholson, a former admissions officer at the universities of Bath and Oxford, said universities were rapidly increasing the number of vacancies they advertise online.

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I think universities will have a very clear idea of ​​what their figures are this year and what they need to achieve to balance their budgets, so the Thursday and Friday of the week when A-level results come out will be a very busy one, Nicholson told the Press Association.

He added that some colleges may run additional counselling sessions on campus after results are out to encourage students to enrol.

The additional places available through clearing may be a result of a decline in applications: only 42.7% of 18-year-olds in England applied for undergraduate places this year, compared to 44.9% in 2022.

A spokesperson for the University and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas) said: As is the case every year, places in the most demanding subjects and the most selective universities are likely to be highly competitive. Ucas advises students to research their options and make plans before results day.

School leavers across Scotland received their results earlier this week, with a record 20,670 under-19s gaining places on university or college courses.




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