UK riots live: Petrol bombs hit Northern Ireland mosques, riots likely to have repercussions for years

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A petrol bomb has been thrown at a mosque in Northern Ireland in what police say was a racially motivated attack.
The mosque in Newtownards, County Down, was attacked around 1am, with graffiti sprayed on the building's front door and walls.
“This incident is being treated as a racially motivated hate crime and I want to send a strong message to those responsible for this incident that this type of conduct will not be tolerated and reports of hate crimes are taken very seriously,” Inspector Hutchinson said.
It comes as the UK's justice secretary warned last week that the aftermath of the far-right violence that swept the country could last for years.
The impact of these turbulent times will be felt for months and years to come. “Days like these make the task of rebuilding the justice system more difficult,” Ms Mahmoud wrote in The Observer.
So far, 779 people have been arrested on charges ranging from violence related to far-right violence to theft, and 349 of them have been charged.
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Key Points View Latest Update 1723372068 Calls for an end to racially motivated hate crimes following mosque attacks
Calls to end racially motivated hate crimes have grown following attacks on mosques over the weekend.
A petrol bomb was thrown at a mosque in County Down early on Saturday morning and a car was set ablaze in Belfast in what police said were racist hate crimes.
The Newtownards Mosque was attacked around 1am on Saturday, with graffiti sprayed on the front door and walls of the building on Greenwell Street.
Police said the petrol bomb did not explode. Ards and North Down mayor Alistair Cathcart said the mosque had been in Ards for more than 20 years.
He added that those members are our neighbors, friends and colleagues.
It is a great relief that no one was hurt. There is no justification for racism, violence, and intimidation in our community, and like everyone else, I want to call for it to stop.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 11:27
1723370607Northumbria Police Relentlessly Track Suspect
Northumbria Police have warned they will be relentless in their hunt for suspects linked to widespread violence across the North East.
Detective Superintendent Graeme Barr said: “Having secured nearly a dozen convictions in just a few days, we can now be clear that we will be relentlessly pursuing those responsible.”
As a military, we stand ready to use every means at our disposal to track down the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 11:03
1723369846 The funeral of 9-year-old Alice da Silva Agiar, who was stabbed to death, is being held.
The first of three funerals for the young girls who were stabbed to death in a dance class in Southport two weeks ago is due to be held today.
Nine-year-old Alice da Silva Agiar's funeral will be held at St Patrick's Catholic Church in Merseyside at 2pm.
Alice, described as bright, thoughtful and confident, was murdered while attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class with six-year-old Bebe King and seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe.
The funeral and cremation will follow a memorial service at Crossens Community Centre. Her family said both events will be private.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 10:50
1723366087 Man arrested for social media video blackmail
West Midlands Police (WMP) has announced the arrest of a man after footage of him allegedly making threats to kill was circulated on social media.
Police said the footage was passed on to police, who checked the area and arrested a 30-year-old man in Sparkbrook, Birmingham, on Saturday evening.
WMP said it would respond quickly and effectively to anyone it believes could use social media to incite racial hatred or encourage people to commit violence or take arbitrary action.
We would like to thank the public for bringing this video to our attention and to let you know that action has been taken.
We will not tolerate violence in our towns and cities, nor will we tolerate those who use social media to incite such violence.
Our commitment to ensuring the safety of all residents remains steadfast, and we will work closely with communities to maintain peace and order.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 09:48
The minister warned that the damage from the riots could last for years, with perpetrators risking up to 10 years in prison.
Cabinet ministers have warned that the horrific scenes unfolding on the nation's streets will have repercussions on the criminal justice system for months and years to come.
Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood said the riots would derail Labour's plans to reform a system already struggling with massive court cases and overcrowding in prisons.
She said the Justice Department has recently been focusing on quickly prosecuting gangsters and hooligans.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 09:24
1723364579Professional police hunt hundreds of online influencers
Specialised police units are hunting down hundreds of online criminals and so-called influencers accused of spreading hate and inciting violence amid the riots sweeping the country.
The NPCC said hundreds of leads were being investigated by teams across the country, operating as part of the national network of Regional Organised Crime Units (ROCUs).
It came as dozens of so-called influencers took advantage of the outpouring of grief over the tragic loss of three young girls in Southport.
Police Chief Chris Howard warned that they were deliberately spreading misinformation, fanning the flames of hatred and division, and inciting violence from the comfort of their own homes, causing chaos on the doorsteps of others.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 09:22
1723364302Summary: Thousands take to the streets across Britain to protest against far-right racism
Thousands of people responded to chants of protest to crack down on the far right by taking part in anti-racism demonstrations across Britain on a day of national protest.
Anti-fascist group Stand Up to Racism has called for demonstrations across the country on Saturday, with huge crowds gathering in cities including London, Edinburgh and Cardiff, amid more than a week of far-right riots across the country.
According to Stand Up to Racism, police had been bracing for more violence since the weekend, but far-right protesters outnumbered anti-racists, with more than 50 rallies taking place across the country.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 09:18
1723363724Photo: Petrol bombs hit police in LondonderryPetrol bombs hit police and 10 police officers injured as riots erupt in Londonderry (Nathan Edgar via REUTERS)Nationalist youths clash with police during Northern Ireland riots (Nathan Edgar via REUTERS)
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 09:08
1723361298 Petrol bomb dropped on Northern Ireland
Ten police officers were injured when a petrol bomb was thrown during violent unrest in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
The violence, believed to have been perpetrated by nationalist youths, broke out on Saturday afternoon after people threw firecrackers and stones at the end of the Derry Apprentices Parade.
Derry and Strabane police chief William Calderwood described the incident as “disgusting” and promised a thorough investigation to ensure those responsible for the violence were brought to justice.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 08:28
1723359870Afghan asylum seeker missing in Rotherham hotel attack
An Afghan asylum seeker who was inside the hotel targeted by the mob said people were left traumatised by the incident and confused about what would happen next in Britain.
The 29-year-old was at the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham when people smashed windows in the building before setting fire to it.
Masked men hurled logs, chairs and bottles at officers from a crowd of about 700 people, and some sprayed fire extinguishers, injuring at least 10 officers and knocking one unconscious.
The asylum seeker, who did not want to be identified for security reasons, said the incident happened the day before when people passed by the hotel shouting “F*** you! Rwanda! Go to your country!”
The man, who had been staying in a hotel for two months while waiting for his asylum application to be processed, described the fear and panic he felt when the attacks began.
He said: They came into the restaurant from the back/kitchen and broke a window from the inside. Inside, they threw chairs and tables at the police and other objects at the police.
And they set it on fire. The people inside the hotel were really scared. I'm sure most of the people in the hotel are still in a state of some kind of panic, he said.
They are traumatized and not in a good situation.
Alexander Butler11 August 2024 08:04
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