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Self-defense classes empower women amid UK far-right violence | Islamophobia

Self-defense classes empower women amid UK far-right violence | Islamophobia


In a London sports ground, Maya Hassan proudly watches as about 30 women, almost all Muslim and from ethnic minorities, take part in a self-defense class she organized in response to a series of riots that have seen violent and racist attacks on Muslims and ethnic minorities.

The 28-year-old martial arts expert said she wanted to help women of color learn how to cope with abuse and build relationships and confidence after more than a week of riots targeting mosques, refugee hotels and police.

She said it gives you a little bit more confidence. You kind of know what to look for, how to be socially aware, how to notice things, and how to get out of really bad situations.

Muslim and ethnic minority communities have expressed shock at the chaos that began when false information spread online that the suspect in the stabbing deaths of three young girls in Southport, northwest England, was a Muslim immigrant.

Martial arts instructor Stuart McGill said he has seen more women sign up for classes since the riots began. He teaches them how to defend themselves using tactics including kicks and improvised weapons like belts.

Elsa Annan, 24, said she felt more confident.

“I certainly wouldn’t want to use this technology, but given recent incidents where far-right racists have stepped up and targeted people of color, I think it could be useful and beneficial,” she said.

Martial arts instructor Stewart McGill (centre) said he has seen more women sign up for classes since the riots began. [Maja Smiejkowska/Reuters]
Islamophobia is on the rise

The riots mainly targeted immigrants, Muslims and Asians, spreading fear among minority communities and raising questions about Britain's record of integration.

According to Tell MAMA, a group that monitors anti-Muslim incidents in the UK, hate towards Muslims has been on the rise in Britain for some time, but particularly since Israel launched its war in Gaza on October 7 last year.

Since the riots began, more than 500 calls and online reports of Islamophobic acts have been made across the UK.

Sunder Katwala, director of British Future, a think tank that focuses on immigration and identity, said Britain was at its best a confident, multiracial democracy.

But he said successive governments had lacked strategies to integrate different communities.

Recent arrivals from Ukraine and Hong Kong have received government support, but not everyone has access.

The asylum system has come under particularly severe pressure as claims pile up, and some Britons have expressed concerns about pressure on housing, healthcare and education.

Being in exile creates a noticeable lack of control, and that can breed fear, Katwala said.

The riots largely died down after thousands of anti-racism protesters rallied to protect potential targets, including an immigration centre, a mosque and a hotel housing asylum seekers.

Hassan, a Swiss national of Somali descent who wears a hijab, moved to Britain in 2008, partly because she felt more welcomed by minorities there than in many parts of Europe. She is considering organising more classes.

A similar event has been planned in Manchester, in northern England, while a campaign group called Three Hijabis held a large online conference call for Muslim women this week to discuss the psychological impact of Islamophobic violence.

Participants learn how to defend themselves using tactics including kicks and improvised weapons such as belts. [Maja Smiejkowska/Reuters]

Shaista Aziz, the group's executive director, said many women were staying at home because they feared conflict or abuse would result from the violence.

Today I advised my dearly beloved sister to consider taking off her hijab for safety when traveling in the Northeast. She said X during the riots.

British Muslims across the country are having similar conversations.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who ordered extra protection for the Muslim community, described the rioters as far-right thugs. Nearly 800 people were arrested, some of whom were jailed after being quickly routed through the courts.

Anti-racism protests look set to continue.

For 23-year-old Maki Omori, who identifies as nonbinary, Saturday's class will help her prepare for the protests.

“It was really daunting to think about how I was going to defend myself,” Omori said. “I wanted to make sure I was prepared for whatever happened.”




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