
Fedor Gorst has won the 47th US Open Pool Championship at Harrahs Resort, Atlantic City, after defeating the five-time US Open champion in a historic final live on Sky Sports in the UK and DAZN in the US.
Final resultFedor Gorst1310 Shane Van Boening
Fedor Gorst and Shane Van Boening, who had faced each other a week earlier in a 120-meter marathon, were destined to meet again in the historic 2024 US Open final. It was the first all-American US Open final since 1999, with both players on the verge of making history.
The pressure was palpable as the two Americans entered the arena, each aware of the stakes. Van Boening, winning the lag, was the first to secure a rack, but Gorst quickly took advantage of a dry break in the second rack, running the score up to take an early 3-1 lead.
A missed 2-7 carom by Gorst in the next rack gave Van Boening the opportunity to close the gap to tie the score 3-3. However, another sharp break by Van Boening allowed Gorst to regain his two-rack advantage. The momentum shifted again when Gorst missed the safety on the 5-ball, bringing Van Boening back to the table, allowing him to take a 6-5 lead. Gorst quickly tied the score after Van Boening hesitated on the 3-ball in the twelfth rack.
Gorst then took the lead, forcing Van Boening to retire from the match after an attempted jump shot to escape a tricky hook. However, when Gorst missed a shot on the 7-ball, Van Boening took advantage to tie the score. The back-and-forth continued, with Van Boening haunted by another takedown, which allowed Gorst to regain the lead.
The suspense intensified when Van Boening capitalised on a Gorst counter-attack in the 16th rack. He attempted to snooker Gorst on the 4-ball, but Gorst, showing his characteristic resilience, executed a brilliant jump shot to thwart Van Boening's strategy and maintain his advantage.
About to reach the hill, Gorst made an uncharacteristic error on the 2 ball, giving Van Boening another lifeline. Van Boening then played a clever safety on the 5 ball, drawing Gorst into a foul. A tense safety exchange ensued, with Van Boening emerging victorious, but missing the crucial 6 ball, allowing Gorst to reach the hill.
Just as Gorst looked set to close the match, a self-inflicted hook on the 2nd ball gave Van Boening a glimmer of hope. He took advantage of it to win two racks and reduce the deficit. However, a cursed ejection from Van Boening sealed his fate.
With chalk on his chin, Gorst returned to the table for a decisive final set. Determined to redeem himself from his defeat in last year's final, the world champion perfectly wiped the table clean to eventually be crowned champion with a 13-10 victory.
Van Boening's dream of a record six titles ended in heartbreaking fashion, but history was made nonetheless. Fedor Gorst not only won his first US Open championship, but he also became the first player to hold the titles of US Open champion, World Pool Masters champion and World Pool Champion simultaneously.
Next World Nineball Tour event
The World Nineball Tour heads to Ox Billiards in Seattle, USA for the Seattle Nineball Open from September 6-8.
Next major matchroom
The World Nineball Tour is coming to the Vietnamese capital for the Mansion Sports Hanoi Open Pool Championship, hosted from October 8 to 13 by the Hanoi Indoor Games Gymnasium, in partnership with the city of Hanoi and the country's leading sports agency, Vietcontent.
Sign up for ticket alerts here.
For all the latest news and announcements, follow Matchroom Pool on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
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