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Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan



U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on August 29, 2024.

Trevor Hunnicutt | AFP | Getty Images

U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said he raised concerns about the country's focus on economic security in meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials this week.

Just as the United States has cited national security concerns to justify its own restrictions on imports of Chinese technology, China has increasingly emphasized the need to protect its economic security.

Foreign companies in China complain about vague data rules and preferential treatment for local players, as well as subsidies that allow Chinese companies to sell at much lower prices.

Sullivan told reporters Thursday that he discussed the impact of these issues on Western businesses and supply chains.

“We had vigorous discussions on this issue, but obviously we did not reach an agreement,” Sullivan told reporters at a news conference at the end of the trip.

Sullivan, an adviser to the outgoing Biden administration, said his trip to China was part of an effort to manage bilateral relations before a new U.S. president is inaugurated in January.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan attends a news conference at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, August 29, 2024.

Tingshu Wang |

It comes just over a month after US President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Sullivan said he explained to Chinese officials how Harris was a “core member” of Biden’s foreign policy team and was known to top Chinese leaders, including having a meeting with Xi.

The security adviser said Harris “shares” Biden’s view on managing competition responsibly so it doesn’t escalate into confrontation, and that high-level communication is the way to manage that.

Xi-Biden meeting?

Sullivan arrived in Beijing on Tuesday for two days of meetings on his first trip to China as national security adviser. He is expected to leave China later on Thursday.

During his visit, Sullivan met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China.

Biden and Xi plan to speak by phone in the “coming weeks,” the White House said Wednesday, and Sullivan told reporters the leaders would likely meet in person later this year on the sidelines of a multilateral conference.

Earlier Thursday, a statement from Xi Jinping said he told Sullivan that Beijing hoped Washington would find “a good way” to reach an agreement.

Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, holds a meeting with White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan at the Bayi Building in Beijing, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024.

By Han Guan | Via Reuters

“Although great changes have taken place in the two countries and in China-U.S. relations, China's commitment to the goal of a stable, healthy and sustainable China-U.S. relationship remains unchanged,” Xi said, according to an English-language statement shared by China's Foreign Ministry.

Tensions between the world's two largest economies have intensified in recent years, spilling over from trade to finance and technology.

The Chinese president said Thursday he hoped the United States would view China's economic growth “positively” and “work with China to find a good way for two major countries to get along,” according to Beijing. China surpassed Japan in 2010 to become the world's second-largest economy, behind the United States.

The last official trip to China by a national security adviser to the US president was in 2016, when Susan Rice visited Beijing under the Obama administration.

Although the outcome of the US presidential election in November remains uncertain, getting tough on Beijing is a rare issue on which both US political parties agree.

Phil Gordon, Harris' current national security adviser, said in May at a Council on Foreign Relations event that the “China challenge” was much bigger than Taiwan and required ensuring that Beijing “does not have the advanced technology, intelligence and military capabilities that can challenge us.”




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