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UK's first 'teacher-less' AI classroom to open in London | Science & Technology News

UK's first 'teacher-less' AI classroom to open in London | Science & Technology News
UK's first 'teacher-less' AI classroom to open in London | Science & Technology News


England's first “teacher-less” GCSE class begins using artificial intelligence instead of human tutors.

David Game College, a private school in London, is launching a new teacher-lesson-free course for 20 GCSE students in September.

Students learn using a hybrid of computer-based artificial intelligence platforms and virtual reality headsets.

Image: A student at David Game College tests new teacher-less AI technology.

The platform adjusts lesson plans for each semester based on how well the student is performing and where he or she needs more help.

Important topics are carried over to the end of the semester for review, weak topics are addressed immediately, and each student's lesson plan is tailored to the student.

Image: David Game College co-principal John Dalton says AI can be more accurate than human teachers.

“There are a lot of great teachers, but we all make mistakes,” said John Dalton, the school’s co-principal.

“I think it’s very difficult to achieve. [AI’s] It also requires a level of precision and accuracy, as well as ongoing evaluation.

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“Ultimately, if you want to know exactly why a child is not learning, I think an AI system could be more effective at figuring out why.”

20 students would pay around £27,000 a year.

Image: GCSE students Joseph and Michael believe the technology will help them progress more quickly than traditional teaching methods.

“Teachers don’t know their students’ weaknesses because they have so many students,” said Joseph, a GCSE student at David Game College who has been testing the system.

“So he may not know your weaknesses, but AI will figure out what your weaknesses are and help you improve them.”

Students are not left to solve problems on their own in the classroom. Three “learning coaches” monitor behavior and provide support.

They will also teach subjects that AI currently struggles with, like art and sex education.

Image: Former teacher Alexander Vansittart will be a 'learning coach' in the AI ​​classroom.

Alexander Vansittart, a former Latin teacher who taught SEN students, joined the university as a learning coach.

“I was really excited about what this could do for young people and how it could change their lives. That’s why I applied for this job, because I believe this is going to be life-changing,” he said.

But the idea of ​​entrusting our children's education to artificial intelligence is controversial.

Chris McGovern is a retired headteacher and former policy adviser at No. 10 Downing Street. He now runs the Campaign for Real Education and says AI has a role to play in the classroom, but it’s going too far.

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“I understand why [schools] You can push AI. For one thing, it’s cheaper,” he said, but David Game College denies that it’s a cheaper approach than traditional teaching methods, saying it actually hires more people to run the courses.

“The problem with AI and computer screens is that they are machines and they don’t move. So the learning process immediately becomes dehumanized, and interpersonal skills and interaction between students and teachers are eliminated,” he added.

“If we go down the AI ​​path alone, it will be a dark and soulless future.”

AI is already being used in classrooms across the country, helping to bring subjects to life, for example by aiding in lesson planning.

Image: A student at David Game College uses VR goggles in the school's new AI classroom.

In fact, on Wednesday the government announced a new project aimed at helping teachers use AI more accurately. A bank of anonymized lesson plans and curricula will now be used to train a variety of educational AI models, which will then help teachers grade homework and plan lessons.

“Artificial intelligence, built to be safe and trustworthy, presents exciting opportunities for school leaders and teachers to help them in their classrooms,” said Stephen Morgan, Minister for Early Learning.

But at this university, AI isn't just helping—it's taking the lead.




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