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UK signs first international treaty to implement AI safeguards | Artificial Intelligence (AI)

UK signs first international treaty to implement AI safeguards | Artificial Intelligence (AI)
UK signs first international treaty to implement AI safeguards | Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The UK government has signed the first international treaty on artificial intelligence, aimed at preventing misuse of the technology, such as spreading misinformation or using biased data to make decisions.

Under the legally binding agreement, countries must implement safeguards against any threats AI poses to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The treaty, called the Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, was drafted by the European Commission, an international human rights body, and was signed on Thursday by the EU, Britain, the US and Israel.

Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood said AI has the potential to dramatically improve public services and boost economic growth, but it must be introduced without compromising fundamental human rights.

She said the agreement was an important step toward ensuring that we can harness these new technologies without eroding our oldest values, such as human rights and the rule of law.

Here’s an overview of the agreement and its implications for AI use:

What is the purpose of this competition?

According to the European Commission, the goal is to fill a legal gap that could arise as a result of rapid technological developments. Recent breakthroughs in AI, which refers to computer systems that can perform tasks typically associated with intelligent beings, such as learning and problem solving, have sparked a global regulatory frenzy to mitigate the technology’s potential flaws.

That means there’s a patchwork of regulations and agreements covering the technology, from EU AI law to last year’s Bletchley Declaration and the voluntary testing regimes signed by many countries and companies at the same meeting. Thursday’s agreement is an attempt to create a global framework.

The treaty states that AI systems must adhere to a set of principles, including privacy, non-discrimination, safe development, and human dignity. As a result, governments must introduce safeguards, such as preventing AI-generated misinformation and preventing systems from being trained on biased data, which can lead to incorrect decisions in many situations, such as applying for jobs or benefits.

Who does this treaty apply to?

This includes the use of AI in public and private sectors. Any company or organization using relevant AI systems must assess the potential impact on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law and make that information publicly available. People should be able to challenge decisions made by AI systems and lodge complaints with authorities. Users of AI systems should also be informed that they are dealing with AI, not humans.

How would this be implemented in the UK?

The UK now has to ensure that various provisions are included in existing laws, such as the European Court of Human Rights and other human rights laws. The government is drawing up a consultation on new AI legislation.

The government said existing laws and measures would be strengthened once the treaty is ratified and comes into force in the UK.

In terms of imposing sanctions, the agreement says authorities can ban certain uses of AI. For example, EU AI law bans systems that use facial recognition databases scraped from CCTV or the internet. It also bans systems that classify people based on their social behavior.




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