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PwC tells UK staff it will monitor office attendance

PwC tells UK staff it will monitor office attendance


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PwC has said it will monitor office hours for its 26,000 UK-based staff in the same way as they bill their hours, a move that comes as the Big Four accounting firm adopts stricter hybrid working policies.

In a memo to staff on Thursday, seen by the Financial Times, managing partner Laura Hinton said the company would send employees monthly work location data, adding that staff would now be required to spend at least three days a week in the office or at a customer site.

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Location data will also be sent to PwC’s employee career coaches, a person familiar with the details said. The new policy takes effect in January.

“Starting in January, we will begin sharing individual work location data on a monthly basis, similar to other data such as billable hours,” Hinton wrote in the memo. This will help ensure that the new policy is applied fairly and consistently across our business.

She added: “We all benefit from the positive impacts of a hybrid approach, but the existing guidance of at least two to three days a week is open to interpretation.”

The decision is one of the first firm-wide policy changes since Marco Amitrano took over as senior partner in July.

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Several large UK employers are trying to increase office hours after switching to hybrid working during the pandemic. Rival EY started monitoring the office hours of its UK employees this year, using swipe card data.

The Big Four accounting and consulting firms Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC are also grappling with the market downturn amid a tough economic environment, with PwC warning employees in July to expect reduced bonuses and pay increases. The firm also scaled back a pandemic-era perk that allowed employees to take a half-day off on Fridays in the summer.

Amitrano’s predecessor, Kevin Ellis, was vocal about the importance of employees working in the office or at customer sites. The company said the new policy is designed to formalize its approach to working together in person.

“Our business thrives on strong relationships, and those relationships are often easier to build and maintain in person,” Hinton wrote in the memo.

She added that working physically together allows her to deliver a differentiated experience for her clients and foster a positive learning and coaching environment that is key to their success.




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