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Arctic storm expected to bring winter to UK 'to hit the UK', new weather map shows

Arctic storm expected to bring winter to UK 'to hit the UK', new weather map shows


Sep 7, 2024, 16:13 | Updated: Sep 7, 2024, 19:16

Temperatures could plunge next week. Photo: Alamy/WXCharts

Britain is set to suffer through winter, with temperatures expected to drop below freezing due to an Arctic storm.

The heat, which has soared to 27 degrees Celsius in late August, is expected to continue, with temperatures expected to drop sharply next week, with some areas seeing temperatures drop to as low as 1 degree Celsius.

According to WXCharts' latest cold weather map, temperatures have dropped as high as 26 degrees in less than a week.

The supplier uses data from MetDesk, and the chart shows Scotland and Northern Ireland could see temperatures of just 1C by Thursday, September 12.

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Most parts of the UK are expected to see similar lows, with Manchester hitting 1C and Wales hitting 3C.

In the south, temperatures could drop to 5-6C in London and Norwich, a difference of 20C compared to the 27C recorded on Friday, September 6.

After a heatwave of 27 degrees Celsius in late August, temperatures could drop sharply next week, with some areas forecast to see the mercury drop to 1 degree Celsius (file image). Photo: Alamy

But in other parts of the country the drop in temperatures will not be so pronounced.

For example, temperatures in Newcastle will remain at 12 degrees Celsius.

WXCharts' forecast is the exact opposite for next weekend, with the northern regions enjoying pleasant temperatures while the southern regions are expected to see heavy rain and thunderstorms.

The first week of September brought mixed weather for Britons, with southern England and Wales experiencing high humidity and highs in the low to mid 20s.

Heavy rain fell on Thursday, with storms dumping inches of water on dozens of areas.

The severe weather has now passed, but the National Weather Service is predicting “clear weather” next weekend. But looking at the charts and maps, it looks like the improvement won’t last long.

Much of England is expected to see similar lows, with Manchester forecast to see 1C and Wales to see 3C (file image). Photo: Alamy Maps show temperatures could drop to 1C in some areas. Photo: WX Charts

Matthew Rennert, chief meteorologist at the Met Office in the UK, said there were “repeated” signs of rain, prompting forecasters to issue yellow weather warnings.

He told the Daily Mirror: “Repeated spells of rain are likely across southern England over the next few days, with some localised impacts likely until the weekend.

“There is currently a yellow weather warning in effect for rain, with further warnings likely to be issued this weekend.

“But the further north you go, the different it is. High pressure brings warmer, sunnier conditions, with above-average temperatures particularly across parts of western Scotland. The east is likely to be cooler and sometimes cloudier due to winds blowing in from the North Sea.”




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