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Elon Musk Could Be Summoned by UK Parliament Over X Role

Elon Musk Could Be Summoned by UK Parliament Over X Role


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The UK parliament is set to ask Elon Musk to give evidence about the operations of social media platform X, under plans set out by a leading candidate to chair a key committee of lawmakers.

Don Butler, the Labor politician who chairs the House of Commons science and technology committee, told the Financial Times that he would like to invite X's billionaire owner to testify.

Butler said it was important for the committee to formally investigate how X and other social media platforms use algorithms to spread hateful content and how they censor that content.

Labor MP Chi Onwura, who is running for the chair, also supports an inquiry into social media companies’ use of algorithms, including how they generate misinformation and profit.

The reason they focus on social media and misinformation is because authorities around the world are concerned about Musk’s outsized influence and the impact of discourse on his platforms on democratic politics.

Last month, British officials complained that X had met with resistance to calls to remove posters deemed a threat to national security during Britain's worst riots in a decade.

Musk also mocked Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer on the X during the riots and claimed civil war was inevitable in the UK. Musk did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Butler’s statement.

On the left is Dawn Butler, on the right is Chi Onwurah Getty Images/PA

Nominations for House Speaker were due Monday, and the contested position is scheduled for Wednesday. If there is a challenger, all members will have a vote. The House has 26 special committees, which typically scrutinize ministers, civil servants, and key figures in the sectors involved in the investigation.

Members of Congress cannot compel witnesses to appear, but they can be held in contempt of Congress if they ignore a formal subpoena. This sanction is actually only symbolic.

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and retail tycoon Sir Philip Green were among the businessmen who initially refused to appear before the special committee but eventually gave in. In 2011, MPs sent the House of Commons deputy secretary to deliver a subpoena to Murdoch’s British newspaper headquarters.

The chairmanship is a highly prized position in parliament, a career launching pad for ambitious new MPs and a prestigious position for party heavyweights who have spent time on the front lines. The chairman earns an additional $18,309 on top of the basic MP salary of $91,346.

The proportion of seats awarded to British political parties is determined by the results of the previous general election, but some seats, including the leadership of the Public Accounts Committee, are reserved exclusively for the official opposition, the current Conservative Party.

After a landslide victory in July, Labour won most of the posts, including the finance, trade, defence, education and energy committees, while the Conservatives negotiated posts handling culture, home affairs, public administration and constitutional affairs.

The Liberal Democrats will lead select committees on two policy areas where they have campaigned most intensively over the past year: health and social care, the environment, and food and rural issues.

Dame Meg Hillier, former chair of the Public Accounts Committee and now head of monitoring the Treasury’s PA

Meg Hillier, a Labour MP and former chair of the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee from 2015 to 2024, has been elected unopposed to the crucial role of chair of the Treasury Committee, which will oversee the work of Chancellor Rachel Reeves and her department.

Hillier, who served as deputy prime minister under Gordon Brown, Labour's last prime minister, will be tasked with scrutinising Reeves' first budget on October 30, which will include the painful measures the chancellor says are needed to balance the budget.

Additional reporting by George Hammond




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