The Internet replaces TV as Britain's most popular news source | Media
Statistics show that in the UK, online platforms have overtaken TV channels to become the most popular source of news, a development that could be interpreted as a generational shift in viewing habits.
The UK’s communications regulator said more than seven in 10 (71%) people now consume news online, slightly ahead of TV, which is used by 70% of adults. Ofcom described the survey’s findings as a generational shift in the balance of news media, with websites and apps making their first foray into TV.
Fiona Bruce, presenter of the BBC's Question Time programme, said she was concerned about the growth of social media as a news source.
Ofcom identified social media as a key driver of this shift. More than half (52%) of UK adults use social media for news, up from 47% in 2023. The most popular social media platform for news is Facebook, used by three in 10 adults, followed by YouTube, Instagram and X. The BBC News website and app are used by 18% of adults.
Top 10 News Sources Chart
The regulator said traditional news sources still outperformed their online rivals on several key attributes, including trust, accuracy and fairness. BBC One remains the biggest news source, used by 43% of adults, but down sharply from 58% in 2019. The company’s streaming service, iPlayer, is also a big contributor to the TV sector, reaching just under a quarter of adults. Channel 4 has dropped out of the top 10 news sources.
Ofcom has announced it is launching a review of public service media content, focusing on news. It will look at how well public service broadcasters such as the BBC and ITV serve news audiences, including online, and consider regulatory or legislative changes to support public service news.
Television has dominated people’s news habits since the 1960s and remains highly trusted. But Ofcoms’ head of strategy and research, Yih-Choung Teh, says we are seeing a generational shift towards online news, which is often seen as less trustworthy.
Among 16-24 year olds, social media is the primary news source. Instagram is the most popular news source overall, used by four in 10 of that age group, while TikTok is used by a third of young news viewers. The generational divide between online and TV news is stark, with nine in 10 young people using online sources for news, while TV is the preferred medium for a similar proportion of those 55 and older, but teens are joining older generations in rating traditional sources as more trustworthy. Six in 10 adults have rated public broadcasters as trustworthy and accurate over the past three years.
For 12- to 15-year-olds, TikTok is the single largest news source.
Among news publishers, websites and apps, the BBC website is the most popular at 59%, followed by Sky, Guardian and Daily Mail at around 20%.
Ofcom also published research on news consumption during the general election period, with six in 10 people saying they had seen false or misleading content during the campaign. More than a quarter said they had encountered deepfake content, which is manipulated images or audio of public figures.
The BBC’s Bruce, who is responsible for the cornerstone of corporate news reporting, has expressed concern about the role of social media. Writing in the Radio Times, she said the role of social media in modern news consumption is a problem for all of us.
But it is concerning that social media is increasingly being used as a news source. It’s not just a journalist’s problem, it’s a problem for all of us. And when fake news comes out, it’s almost impossible to correct. I know, I’ve tried. I’ve had good luck trying to get something removed from X, she wrote.
Bruce said one of the most common social media misconceptions was that Reform Party leader Nigel Farage had appeared on Question Time more than any other politician in recent years. She said Farage had appeared on the standard Question Time since 2018, and on two general election leaders’ specials since then.
It's a common cliche that Nigel Farage has appeared on Question Time more than any other politician recently. She writes that it's not true.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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