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UK and partners respond to Iran's ballistic missile transfers to Russia

UK and partners respond to Iran's ballistic missile transfers to Russia



UK and E3 partners cancel bilateral deal with Iran, resulting in restrictions on Iranian air services to UK and Europe UK and US announce joint sanctions on Iranian and Russian individuals and entities Russian cargo ship sanctioned for involvement in transporting military goods from Iran to Russia Working with international partners to expose Iran and Russia’s attempts to undermine global security

The UK Government today announced significant new measures against Iran and Russia following the Iranian regime's transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia for use on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The UK will work with international partners to cancel its bilateral air services agreement with Iran, which will result in Iranian air travel being restricted to the UK.

This follows repeated warnings from the UK and its international partners to Iran to halt its plans to transfer lethal weapons to Russia, which is intent on causing further humanitarian destruction and loss of life in Ukraine.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:

Iran’s provision of ballistic missiles to Russia to fuel its illegal invasion of Ukraine is a serious and dangerous escalation.

We have made it clear that if Iran transfers ballistic missiles, it will face a significant response. Today, we stand with our international partners to condemn these actions and attempts to undermine global security.

Iran must stop supporting Putin’s unprovocative, premeditated, barbaric attack on sovereign democratic nations. Britain stands with Ukraine.

The UK today issued a joint statement with France and Germany condemning ballistic missile transfers to Russia and setting out the necessary steps it is taking in response.

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh said:

This government stands firmly in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

We will continue to use every means at our disposal to pressure Iran to stop supporting Putin’s illegal aggression. That’s why we have started to suspend all direct air services between the UK and Iran.

Defense Secretary John Healey, MP, said:

Iran is actively supporting Putin's illegal war in Ukraine by transferring ballistic missiles to Russia.

Iran has already supplied hundreds of unilateral attack drones to Russia. Ballistic missiles are very dangerous weapons, and they can easily threaten innocent lives.

Cooperating with countries like North Korea and Iran shows the desperate situation Russia is in. We will stand with Ukraine.

The UK, along with the US, has imposed sanctions on a number of key individuals and entities for their role in facilitating Iran’s military support to Russia, including those involved in the ballistic missile and drone supply chains. Asset freezes and travel bans include:

Brigadier General Seyed Hamzeh Ghalandari, Director of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Defense and Munitions (MODAFL): involved in exporting defense products to Iran’s partners Brigadier General Ali Jafarabadi, Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Forces (IRGC-ASF) Space Command: supervising the testing of space launch vehicles that support the development of Iran’s long-range ballistic missile arsenal Majid Mousavi, Deputy Commander of the IRGC-ASF and Deputy Commander of the IRGC-ASF Command Amir Ali Hajizadeh: overseeing the development and operation of Iran’s ballistic missile inventory

Assets subject to freezing include:

Anzali FTZ Baharestan Kish Company Saad Sazeh Faraz Sharif (SSFS) Chekad Sanat Faraz Asia (CSFA)

Several Russian organizations have also been sanctioned today for their intention to use weapons systems to bring destruction to Ukraine. These include:

924th National Center of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) Military Transport Aviation Command (VTA)

Five Russian cargo ships that transported military supplies from Iran to Russia were also sanctioned today. They include:

SKIF-V (IMO 8858087) OMSKIY (IMO 8889385) Musa Jalil (IMO 8846814) BEGEY (IMO 8943210) BALTIYSKIY (IMO 7612448)

To date, the UK has imposed more than 400 sanctions on Iranian individuals and entities, including those seeking to exert malign influence regionally and internationally. The UK has also imposed sanctions on 2,000 individuals and entities under the Russian sanctions regime, more than 1,700 of which have been imposed since Putin’s full-scale invasion.

Iran is one of Russia's main military supporters and has transferred hundreds of drones to Russia since August 2022 for use in its war of aggression in Ukraine.

A new bill is expected to be introduced in Congress later this week that would strengthen trade sanctions against Iran, targeting items used in the production of ballistic missiles, drones and other weapons.

The UK will continue to work with international partners to hold Iran accountable for its malign actions, particularly its military support to Russia, and to hold Russia accountable for its unlawful invasion of Ukraine.




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