Walz says victory in Texas US Senate race is within reach
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Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz encouraged Texas Democrats to elect U.S. Rep. Colin Allred to the Senate, telling a group of Dallas donors Monday that the race against Sen. Ted Cruz was within reach.
“You have a Senate race you can win in Texas,” Walz said. “My God, do it for all of America. Replace Ted.”
Walz made the remarks during a brief visit to the state for a fundraiser hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris’ victory fund. Texas is one of the top targets for Democrats to switch sides in the U.S. Senate, along with Florida. An Aug. 31 poll by the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas put Cruz ahead of Allred by 8 percentage points.
Walz also touched on a number of issues impacting Texas, including the state's abortion restrictions, which he said create a nightmare and dangerous situation, and ballot access laws, which he said were intentionally designed to keep Democratic voters away from the polls.
For them, it's much easier to dissuade voters than to educate them, Walz quipped of Republicans.
Walz also addressed Tuesday's presidential debate, the first between Harris and former President Donald Trump, saying Harris would likely focus on economic issues.
“We will have an opportunity tomorrow for Vice President Harris to participate in the debate to make the case for an economy that works for everyone,” Walz said.
Macarena Martinez, a spokeswoman for Cruz's campaign, took aim at Walz's comments Monday afternoon.
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“Tim Walz has a knack for seeing things burn, so it’s only natural that he would support Colin Allred and his campaign,” Martinez said in a statement.
The fundraiser, held at the HALL Arts Hotel in Dallas, was sold out. It featured several prominent Texas Democratic fundraisers, including Regina Montoya, a former Clinton administration official who co-chairs Lawyers for Harris. Lawyers Jill Louis and Paul Coggins and former congressional candidate Sima Ladjevardian also helped organize it. Several of the same organizers also held a Dallas fundraiser for President Joe Biden in March, when he was still the party’s top candidate.
Despite the presidential campaigns that have been campaigning in Texas to raise money, the state has not been singled out. The lack of attention has irked some Texas Democrats who believe that more attention from the top would provide the momentum needed to flip the state blue in future elections.
So far, Allred has kept his run independent of the presidential race, focusing on working with lower-level state candidates.
Walz visited Dallas with his daughter, Hope. San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg, LULAC President Roman Palomares, Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilbero Hinojosa and Texas Democratic Party Executive Director Monique Alcala greeted him upon his arrival.
Nirenberg, whose term expires next year, has been traveling the country as a representative for the Harris campaign. He has not yet specified his future plans, but said at this year’s Texas Tribune Festival that it would be an honor to serve in a Harris administration if asked.
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