Austin Hosts Vietnamese Counterpart, Strengthens Momentum in U.S.-Vietnam Relations > U.S. Department of Defense > Department of Defense News
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III reaffirmed the United States' commitment to continuing to strengthen ties with Vietnam during his meeting with Vietnamese Defense Minister Gen. Phan Van Giang at the Pentagon today.
Austin said the United States remains focused on moving beyond the legacy of the war as both countries continue to build on the recent elevation of the U.S.-Vietnam relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.
The secretary also expressed condolences for the lives lost after Typhoon Yagi made landfall on Vietnam's northern coast over the weekend.
“We commend you for the excellent work Vietnam has done in responding to this terrible tragedy,” Austin said. “Please let us know if the United States can provide any assistance.”
The meeting comes nearly a year after President Joe Biden's visit to Vietnam, where the two countries took steps to elevate their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership encompassing cooperation in a range of diplomatic, economic, defense-industrial and other activities.
The step marks what the White House hailed as a “new phase of bilateral cooperation and friendship” between the two countries.
Today, Austin highlighted increased military cooperation between the United States and Vietnam over the past year, including a port visit by the U.S. Navy’s 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge and the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Waesche to Cam Ranh, Vietnam, in July. Vietnam also hosted a multilateral Pacific Partnership mission and a Pacific Angel humanitarian response mission in August.
Austin also spoke about the United States' commitment to accounting for losses suffered during the Vietnam War and helping Vietnam search for its fallen service members.
“A key part of our cooperation is overcoming the legacy of war, and we remain committed to the fullest extent possible to accounting for wartime losses, and we appreciate Vietnam’s longstanding support in helping to repatriate missing American service members,” Austin said. “Through the Vietnam War Accountability Initiative, we are also helping Vietnam search for its fallen service members.”
During the meeting, the two sides exchanged information and items related to these efforts.
The Secretary also highlighted the Department of Defense's efforts with the U.S. Agency for International Development to remediate dioxin contamination at Bien Hoa Air Base in Vietnam.
“We are working closer than ever, and that is more important than ever as we advance our shared goals of regional peace and prosperity,” Austin said.
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