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Iran supplies Russia with short-range missiles, while the United States and its partners plan to continue strengthening Ukrainian air defenses

Iran supplies Russia with short-range missiles, while the United States and its partners plan to continue strengthening Ukrainian air defenses
Iran supplies Russia with short-range missiles, while the United States and its partners plan to continue strengthening Ukrainian air defenses


The United States has confirmed that Iran has supplied Russia with a number of short-range ballistic missiles. But a U.S. official said that since the start of the Russian invasion, support for Ukraine has focused on air defense and that will continue, including with an emphasis on the threat posed by the new missiles.

“The United States has confirmed reports that Iran has transferred shipments of Fath 360 short-range ballistic missiles to Russia, which we believe could use them within weeks against Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of even more Ukrainian civilians,” Pentagon spokesman Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said at a briefing today. He added that the department cannot say at this time how many missiles are involved.

According to Ryder, the Fath 360 missiles would have a range of about 120 kilometers and would allow the Russians to reserve more advanced missiles with longer ranges for other uses.

“This is a short-range or short-range ballistic missile system,” he said. “This would allow Russia to use that capability while preserving its longer-range capabilities for use across the battlefield, strengthening the Russian arsenal and also giving it, again, the ability to strike the kinds of targets that we’ve seen it strike, including civilian targets.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, and since then, through various security agreements, including with the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine, the United States and partner countries have provided military support to Ukraine. Much attention has been paid to air defense, which Ryder said will continue.

“Air defense is a topic that we have been focusing on for a long time with regard to Ukraine,” he said. “It is a priority for Ukrainians, and therefore for us. I refer you to the UDCG, almost a year and a half ago, where [Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III] stressed how crucial this was.

Since then, Ryder said, the United States and partner nations have been working to provide the Ukrainians with a variety of air defense systems to address short- and long-range missile threats.

“Building this integrated air defence capability for Ukraine has been ongoing for some time now, so we are not going to let up in our efforts,” Ryder said. [with] “These missiles, while they certainly pose a threat, we will work with Ukraine to ensure… that they have the capabilities to defend against these missiles and other missiles that Russia uses, including drones.”

The United States has provided more than $55.9 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022. Air defense systems have been a significant part of this security assistance. Air defense systems provided include Patriot air defense batteries, National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, also known as NASAMS, HAWK air defense systems, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and Avenger air defense systems.

In the same way that the United States and partner countries have trained Ukrainian military personnel to use equipment such as howitzers and the F-16 Falcon aircraft, the Iranians have trained Russians to use the Fath 360. Ryder said the department believes “dozens” of Russian military personnel have been trained in Iran to use the missile system.

It is unclear what the Iranians received in exchange for the missiles, but Ryder said officials believe intelligence information may have been part of the deal.

“Without being able to go into detail, we see them sharing information related to Russia's nuclear programs, space and other technological capabilities that countries like Iran desire,” he said.

Ryder also said that given Russia's growing relationships with other bad-faith actors on the world stage, including North Korea, there is a reasonable expectation that Iran will continue to deliver missiles.

“The worrying aspect of this situation… is the development of relations between Russia and Iran,” he said. “And you also see Russia developing a relationship with [North Korea]where they essentially become a supplier of capabilities. So one has to assume that if Iran is supplying Russia with these types of missiles, it is very likely that it is not a one-off bargain, but a source of capabilities that Russia would seek to exploit in the future.




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