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Astroscale wins contract for next phase of UK National Active Debris Removal Mission

Astroscale wins contract for next phase of UK National Active Debris Removal Mission
Astroscale wins contract for next phase of UK National Active Debris Removal Mission


Howell, Oxfordshire, UK, September 11, 2024 – Astroscale Ltd. (Astroscale UK), the UK subsidiary of Astroscale Holdings Inc. (Astroscale), a market leader in satellite servicing and long-term orbit sustainability across all orbits, has been awarded a £1.95 million (excluding tax) contract by the UK Space Agency to continue the development of a clean-up space mission using the COSMIC spacecraft. COSMIC is Astroscale’s solution for the UK’s National Active Debris Removal (ADR) mission to remove two inactive UK satellites from space.

The next mission phase will focus on maturing and reducing risk of key technologies identified in previous UK ADR phases, such as robotic capture systems and debris deposition capabilities. By leveraging the significant flight heritage from Astroscales’ current missions in rendezvous and proximity operations, COSMIC will provide a secure, safe and highly reliable UK ADR capability.

Nick Shave, Managing Director of Astroscale UK, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded the UK Space Agency contract to progress the further development of the UK ADR mission into implementation.” Our UK ADR mission design builds on the flight-proven heritage of Astroscale missions such as ELSA-d and ADRAS-J, which are currently in orbit, and many of the mission elements within a UK-centric industrial supply chain with a flight heritage ensure a low-risk approach.

Paul Bate, CEO of the UK Space Agency, said the global space industry continues to set new records for the number of satellites in orbit, with 2,780 launched in 2023 alone. While these satellites provide invaluable services to people on Earth, we also need to develop new ways to protect the space environment and remove space debris. That’s why this next phase of work for the national ADR mission is so important. We want to build on the successful completion of the preliminary mission design and support Astroscale and their partners as they continue to develop and de-risk this innovative technology.

Astroscale UK’s contract bid brings together experienced UK and European industry leaders in advanced space systems, including Airbus Defence and Space UK, MDA UK, Nammo UK, Thales Alenia Space UK, GMV UK, AVS UK, D-Orbit UK, Redwire, DLR and Clyde&Co. Astroscale UK will also work with a number of other companies across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to develop COSMIC service providers, expanding the Astroscale UK supply chain of approximately 100 companies. COSMIC will be developed, built and operated at Astroscale’s Zeus facility in the UK, providing significant benefits to the UK. The supply chain for in-orbit services will also support the creation and retention of highly skilled jobs and enhanced collaboration with space clusters across the UK.

The COSMIC Debris Removal Service will be a technical evolution of Astroscale’s End-of-Life Services, the Astroscale-Multi-client (ELSA-M) service provider. In July 2024, Astroscale UK announced that it had signed a contract with Eutelsat OneWeb for the final phase of the ELSA-M orbital demonstration, as part of the Sunrise Partnership Project between the European Space Agency and the Eutelsat Group, with support from the UK Space Agency. The groundbreaking ELSA-M mission, which will be the world’s first commercial end-of-life service for a ready satellite, is scheduled to launch ahead of the COSMIC mission in the financial year ending in April 2026.

The Astroscale-Japan (ADRAS-J) active debris removal mission for the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Commercial Debris Removal Demonstration (CRD2) program, led by Astroscale Japan, has achieved several key mission milestones since its launch in February 2024. These include successfully conducting safe and controlled approach and flight operations of the unprepared Japan upper stage body, as well as maintaining a controlled fixed point relative position approximately 50 meters from the upper stage. Astroscale Japan has also been selected for Phase 2 of the CRD2 program, in which the service provider will remove the upper stage and deorbit it.





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