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2 UK stocks expected to soar in the coming days

2 UK stocks expected to soar in the coming days
2 UK stocks expected to soar in the coming days


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To be honest, I can't predict the future of UK stocks or any other stocks.

However, we can use readily available information to make informed predictions about which stocks will perform well in the future.

Stocks that I think could fill this role are HSBC (LSE: HSBA) and Michelmersh Brick Holdings (LSE: MBH).

If I had cash to invest today, I would buy both stocks. Here's why!


The Asia-focused banking giant looks like one of the most attractive banking stocks on the FTSE right now.

The $120 billion market cap business has a great market position, a great presence in over 60 countries, and a solid track record. But I’m more interested in the future than the past.

It is exciting for HSBC to tap into the lucrative Chinese market. This is one of the areas where HSBC already has an established presence, with wealth levels expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. I think revenue and profits could soar.

The obvious risk is economic hardship. A prime example of this is the recent growth slump in the region, which has disrupted the global economic balance and left many markets behind. But when it comes to bank stocks like HSBC, this is a cyclical risk I can take.

Continuing my bullish case, the stock offers a very attractive dividend yield of over 7%. For context, the FTSE 100 average is 3.6%. However, I understand that dividends are never guaranteed.

Finally, with a price-to-earnings ratio of just 6.9, it appears to offer excellent value for money.

Attractive fundamentals, a potentially exciting future, an established brand and business. Who could hate that?

Michelle Mursh Brick Holdings

Far from the fast-moving financial services industry, Michelmersh Brick Holdings manufactures and sells bricks, tiles and other construction projects.

Michelmersh may not have the brand name and power of HSBC, but it has many advantages. First, it can produce its own products, which gives it pricing power and reduces operating costs.

Looking ahead, demand for bricks and building aggregates is expected to surge, particularly in the UK. Housing imbalances and the need to build infrastructure to accommodate the growing UK population could further boost Michelmersh’s revenues and profits.

As for yield, the dividend yield of 4.7% is attractive. Plus, with a P/E ratio of just 11, it looks like good value for money.

The risk of Michelmersh is economic chaos in a number of different ways. The new government has spoken of a financial black hole, which means infrastructure projects could be put on the back burner. Another problem is inflation, which could hamper profitability and demand. This aspect could dampen revenues, profits and growth.

Overall, I think Michelle Mursh is a somewhat overlooked gem compared to the more established brands that operate in more glamorous industries.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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