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UK data centre designated as critical infrastructure

UK data centre designated as critical infrastructure


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Data centres will be better protected from cyber-attacks and IT outages as UK government ministers introduce safeguards to boost investor confidence in the UK.

Science and Technology Secretary Peter Kyle is set to announce on Thursday that sites storing NHS, financial and personal smartphone data will be designated as critical national infrastructure (CNI).

Under this new classification, data centers will receive additional government support to anticipate and recover from emergencies, including establishing a dedicated CNI data infrastructure team.

The team monitors potential threats and coordinates priority access with government security agencies, including the National Cyber ​​Security Centre, and emergency services.

Kyle told the Financial Times that the government was committed to expanding attractive markets for digital infrastructure to drive broader economic growth.

The plan, first established by the previous Conservative government, is designed to minimise the economic impact of major incidents affecting data centres, such as environmental disasters and extreme weather events.

Government officials hope the move will deter cybercriminals from attacking UK data centres.

It comes after two major incidents this year highlighted the need for greater resilience against a range of threats: a ransomware attack that affected thousands of patients at a London hospital, and a flawed CrowdStrike software update that caused an unprecedented global computing outage.

Ministers said stronger protections for Britain’s data infrastructure would provide reassurance to investors looking to set up business in the UK. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has highlighted economic growth and wealth creation as key missions for his administration.

This is the first time in nearly a decade that a CNI designation has been granted, since space and defense joined energy and water systems in achieving CNI status in 2015.

Proposals to invest $3.75 billion in Europe's largest data centre in Hertfordshire will be unveiled on Thursday, alongside a government announcement.

Data company DC01UK has submitted a planning application for the centre to Hertsmere Borough Council. The company says the centre will create 500 construction jobs and 200 full-time on-site jobs, supporting 13,740 data and technology jobs nationally.

The news comes after Chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed on Wednesday that Amazon Web Services plans to invest $8 billion over the next five years to build, operate and maintain data centres in the UK.

Kyle said the government's plan is very investment- and community-friendly because it will create jobs and wealth.

He added that Labor was taking action to address three industry demands for data centres: removing planning barriers, reducing regulatory barriers and improving access and affordability of electricity, including from renewable sources, as tech companies look to hit net zero targets.

The Starmouth government has made clear its intention to significantly expand the UK’s data centre network over the next decade, reduce the burden of building data centres and provide more favourable conditions for businesses investing in the sector.

The new government has already indicated it will intervene to grant planning permission for two data centre projects proposed in the greenbelt areas of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire, projects that were blocked by the previous Conservative government.

Supporting the construction of data centres would provide a convenient way for the government to demonstrate its commitment to investing in the UK’s digital economy and booming artificial intelligence sector without having to provide up-front capital, at a time when Whitehall departments are being asked to make significant budget cuts.




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