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Canelo vs Berlanga: UK fight start time, ring work, undercard, latest odds, boxing predictions tonight

Canelo vs Berlanga: UK fight start time, ring work, undercard, latest odds, boxing predictions tonight
Canelo vs Berlanga: UK fight start time, ring work, undercard, latest odds, boxing predictions tonight


The Mexican is defending his WBC, WBA and WBO super middleweight belts in Las Vegas and is considered a heavy favorite to extend his four-fight winning streak since losing to Dmitry Bivol in May 2022.

Berlanga is the WBA mandatory challenger and boasts a 22-0 record as a pro, but faces the challenge of upsetting one of boxing's pound-for-pound kings in his first world title fight.

Here's everything you need to know

Canelo has won his last four fights.

Getty Images

Canelo vs Berlanga date, start time, location and ring walk

Canelo Alvarez vs. Edgar Berlanga is scheduled to take place on Saturday night, September 14, 2024 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The undercard is scheduled to begin at 1am BST on Sunday, with the main event ring walk starting around 4am.

As always, this may change depending on the outcome of previous fights.

Canelo vs Berlanga Fight Card/Undercard Full

Current WBA middleweight champion Erislandy Lara defends his title against former two-weight world champion Danny Garcia in the co-main event.

Caleb Plant, who lost to Canelo, meets Trevor McCombie later on the card.

Saul Canelo Alvarez vs Edgar Berlanga

Erislandi Lara vs Danny Garcia

Caleb Plant vs Trevor McCombie

Stephen Fulton vs Carlos Castro

Rolando Romero vs Manuel Jaimes

Royman Villa vs Ricardo Salas Rodriguez

Jonathan Lopez vs Richard Medina

Lawrence King vs. Vaughan Williams

Yoenly Hernandez vs Jose Sanchez Charles

Beck Nurmaganbet vs Joshua Conley

Where to watch Canelo vs Berlanga match

TV Channel: In the UK, Canelo vs Berlanga will be broadcast live on DAZN, priced at $19.99. Subscriptions start at $14.99 per month. DAZN is also available on Sky’s channel 429.

Canelo vs Berlanga Prediction

Canelo has frequently dismissed this weekend's opponent as a threat. Berlanga deserves more respect than that, but his efforts to keep pace will benefit the Mexican.

Canelo is expected to win with a late goal.

Canelo vs Berlanga Weigh-in Results

Canelo weighed 166.8 pounds on Friday, while Berlanga weighed 167.7 pounds.

Canelo vs Berlanga latest odds

Canelo Alvarez odds to win: 1/20

Edgar Berlanga to win: 9/1

Canelo Alvarez wins on points or decision: 3/1

Canelo Alvarez wins by knockout or TKO: 1/3

Edgar Berlanga wins on points or decision: 16/1

Edgar Berlanga wins by knockout or TKO: 20/1

Odds are based on Betfair and are subject to change.




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