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US delegation discusses economy with Bangladesh's interim leader

US delegation discusses economy with Bangladesh's interim leader


DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — A high-level U.S. delegation met Sunday with Bangladesh's interim leader, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, to affirm its commitment to fostering inclusive economic growth, according to the U.S. Embassy in Dhaka.

Yunus took office after former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina fled the country last month amid a mass uprising. She has been accused of corruption, human rights abuses and excessive use of force against protesters.

During her 15-year rule, Hasina has maintained close relations with India, China and Russia, which have invested heavily in the country's infrastructure development, trade and investment. The United States has also become the largest foreign investor in Bangladesh under Hasina.

Yunus said on Sunday he was seeking US support to rebuild the country, carry out vital reforms and return stolen assets, his press office said in a statement after meeting the delegation at the State Guest House Jamuna in Dhaka.

He told U.S. officials that his interim administration has moved quickly to reset, reform and revive the economy, launch reforms in the financial sectors and repair institutions such as the judiciary and the police, the statement said.

The U.S. delegation, led by Brent Neiman, assistant secretary for international finance at the U.S. Treasury Department, included representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. Donald Lu, assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian Affairs, joined the delegation after a visit to India.

They met with several officials in Dhaka, including Touhid Hossain, the country's adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. USAID also signed an agreement to provide $202.25 million in aid to Bangladesh.

The US Embassy in X highlighted the extent to which American companies are established in the South Asian country.

With the right economic reforms in place, the U.S. private sector can help unlock Bangladesh's growth potential through trade and investment, the embassy wrote on its official account.

The delegation also met with representatives of American companies from the American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh (AmCham) operating in Bangladesh upon arrival on Saturday.

Concerns about security and lack of order in Bangladesh were echoed by company officials.

AmCham President Syed Ershad Ahmed told the meeting that while improvements have been seen after the installation of the interim government, there are also challenges. Repatriation of profits amid the ongoing US dollar crisis and supply chain challenges arising from congestion at ports are among the issues he raised.

The meeting came as unrest has gripped the country's main textile industry, with workers striking, leaving factories closed, to demand better benefits, including higher wages. Factory owners, government and labor leaders are holding meetings to defuse tensions.

Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate disasters. The US Embassy said on its official Facebook page that the US is interested in helping it mitigate climate risks.




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