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7 of the UK's best university towns (and places for parents to enjoy)

7 of the UK's best university towns (and places for parents to enjoy)
7 of the UK's best university towns (and places for parents to enjoy)


September is the month that marks the start of a new college year, and when freshmen flock to find a new city to live in for the next three years. Once the madness and hangover of freshers’ week has subsided, it’s time for friends and family to plan a visit. Here are our favorite student cities, our top tips for what to do while you’re there, and our top-rated hotels.

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1. Edinburgh

The famous Victoria Street, whose colours inspired Harry Potter's Diagon Alley

Guben Oezdemir/Getty Images

Edinburgh is home to Teviot Row House, the oldest and most beautiful student hall in the UK, which reopens after a spring renovation. In the meantime, have a coffee in one of the cute cafés on the cobbled streets of Stockbridge (don’t miss the farmers’ market every Sunday) and wander through Dean Village, where the Water of Leith trickles between beautiful stone houses. The colourful, winding Victoria Street, the inspiration for Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley, is a must-see (try the roast pork sandwiches at Oink from 6pm; Mary Kings Close, the underground street beneath the Royal Mile, is also a must-see (from 22.50; Stay at Prestonfield House, some rooms overlook Arthur’s Seat. Lucy Perrin

Details B&B Double From 361

2. Cambridge

No trip to Cambridge is complete without a walk along the riverside or a punt.


The 31 colleges, founded between 1284 and 1977, form the heart of this beautiful city. Some of the ancient architectural masterpieces, such as Kings, St Johns and Trinity, charge admission fees of around $10 per person, but others, including the oldest college, Peterhouse, are free ( But Cambridge is more than just colleges. A stroll down the cobbled laneways will soon lead you to the banks of the River Cam, the vast Fens or the Market Square, depending on which way you turn. For a leisurely lunch, head to the Locker, a small independent café beloved by students ( For dessert, try Jacks Gelato (ice creams from three; Make time to visit the Fitzwilliam Museum (free entry; and the magnificent Kings College Chapel (from 14; If you want a more intellectual stay, Graduate Cambridge has academic-themed rooms featuring furniture made from punts and mirrors shaped like the university's crest. Claudia Rowan

Details Rooms Only Double Room From $179

16 Best Hotels in Cambridge

3. London

Museums, markets, galleries, green spaces and rivers – London has it all.


The student population in London is just under half a million, and with over 40 universities and colleges, they cover every corner of the capital. With a great nightlife (Fabric, Electric Brixton, pub crawls in Soho), great museums and galleries (Tate Modern, British Museum, Dulwich Picture Gallery), green spaces like Richmond Park and Primrose Hill, and fantastic restaurants, studying here is a two-part education. And only one of those takes place in the lecture hall. Avoid the likes of the Tower of London (unless you’re a fan of the crowds) and instead wander the streets like a local. Perhaps wander the Columbia Road market in east London and stop in for some independent, artisan shops and cafés. Or grab a cocktail and some great Mexican snacks at Side Hustle at the NoMad Hotel (cocktails from 11; For medical students (and anyone studying the bizarre), Holborn’s Hunterian Museum has a fascinating collection that traces the history of surgery (free; Then head to Borough Market for lunch at the Greek restaurant Agora to stock up the fridge before your parents leave (share a plate for £3.50; If you’re looking for a place to stay, Hoxton Southwark takes the top honours for its vibrant atmosphere, central location and affordable prices. Blossom Green

Details B&B Double From $179

19 Best Budget Hotels in London Under $200

4. Leeds

Get your cultural passion going at Leeds Art Gallery


Leeds is a great party town, which is probably why so many students choose to come here. The best nights out can be found at the Warehouse and Hi-Fi clubs, and a cocktail or two at Maven Speakeasy (cocktails from £8; For fancy snacks and creative dishes such as langoustines with salted plum, Thai spice ice cream with chicken thai, and rabbit and eel dumplings with maytake, head to Home, run by chef Elizabeth Cottam, which offers a three-time tasting menu (for ages 65 and over; Formal galleries include the Leeds Art Gallery and the Henry Moore Institute, while Opera North and the Northern Ballet are based here, putting on spectacular shows. There are plenty of beautiful Victorian arcades and a Harvey Nichols branch to shop for. But one of the best things about studying in Leeds is its proximity to the Dales Jump, which runs to Bolton Abbey or Grassington on DalesBus 874 ( Blow off some steam the night before with a country stomp through the stylish village of Ilkley. The Malmaison founder's Dakota has luxurious rooms above a dark, sexy bar. Gemma Bowes

Details Rooms Only Double Room From $140

5. Cardiff

Housed in both old and new buildings, the Welsh Parliament overlooks Cardiff Bay.

Chris Hepburn/Getty Images

Cardiff is a small city, but it has all the charm of its bigger rivals. For history, visit the castle (£15.50;; for sport, visit the Principality Stadium; for boutique shopping, visit one of the charming arcades such as Castle Quarter Arcade or Royal Arcade. The Live Lounge is a sticky-floor rite of passage for students. A better option is to have a pint (local Brains ale, of course) at the Blue Bell and enjoy perfect steaks, craft beers and cocktails at the Pasture Restaurant (mains from £17; Oh, and don’t forget to try a Welsh cake. We recommend Fabulous Welshcakes in Castle Arcade (£4; The Parkgate Hotel is a classy choice, and it also has a spa. Sean Russell

Details B&B Double From 114

6. Oxford

Whether the on-screen references are Brideshead Revisited, Saltburn or Harry Potter, it’s a thrill to see Oxford’s dreamy spires, college quartets and centuries-old pubs in person. If you don’t know the city well, a walking tour can be a great option, especially since guides have special access to the colleges. A two-hour private tour costs about $120 ( If you’ve got a college kid to drop off or visit and want to have lunch, Browns on Woodstock Road, opposite St Giles’ Church, is a long-time go-to (main from $16; Off-university attractions include the British Museumish Ashmolean (free;, along with the Natural History Museum (free; and the John Soane-like Pitt Rivers Museum (free; Take your bearings at the top of St Mary's (6; and walk along the river past Christ Church Meadow. Stay in the city centre at the Store, which was until recently the top floor of the Boswells department store and is now a 101-room hotel. The rooms are stylishly Scandinavian. Liz Edwards

Details B&B Double From 256

18 Best Hotels in Oxford

7. Nottingham

The Beeston Canal runs through Nottingham city


Parks and gardens, 13 listed buildings and even a boating lake make up Nottingham’s beautiful University Park Campus. From here, head into the city for some great vintage shopping in the trendy Lace Market district (try the Cow at 3 Carlton Street or the Garms at 54-56 Bridlesmith Gate). See fascinating free contemporary art exhibitions at Nottingham Contemporary ( and have a pint at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem (, the oldest pub in Britain. Treat the student in your life to a table full of theatre and fine cuisine at the two-Michelin star Restaurant Sat Bains (a seven-course tasting menu served across 149 tables). There are eight lovely rooms to stay in and the best crumpets for breakfast. Lizzie Frainier

Details B&B Double From 180

Did we miss your college town? Let us know in the comments.

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