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Tornado hits Aldershot, Hampshire – trees fall, buildings damaged | UK News

Tornado hits Aldershot, Hampshire – trees fall, buildings damaged | UK News
Tornado hits Aldershot, Hampshire – trees fall, buildings damaged | UK News


A tornado has struck Aldershot in Hampshire, leaving residents terrified and a trail of destruction in its wake.

According to the Storm Research Organization (TORRO), a private research institute, the typhoon received a rating of 1 or 2 (slight to moderate) on a maximum of 10 for intensity.

A moderate tornado is rated to have wind speeds of up to 92 mph, although these numbers still need to be confirmed.

Footage taken in Aldershot, near the border with Surrey, showed strong winds, downed trees, damaged buildings, falling tiles, ripped roofs and collapsed chimneys.

“The preliminary estimated path length is 2km,” TORRO field investigator Sarah Horton told Sky News. “It was a weak tornado but we haven't given it a final rating yet. The rating is estimated to be T1/T2.”

“Even though it was a weak tornado, it would have been a terrifying and devastating event for those affected,” she added.

“Homeowners will be advised to waterproof their homes ahead of the heavy rain, with the Met Office is issuing a severe weather warning for heavy rain on Sunday.”

Forecasters have issued a second yellow warning for thunderstorms lasting 23 hours, from 1 a.m. to midnight on Saturday.

Image: Photo: Sarah Horton

Amrita Mann, a 35-year-old mother of two, captured footage on her home's front door camera, telling Sky News it suddenly swung open and “the wind just came rushing into the house”, with the conservatory door also bursting open.

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“My daughter and I were both shocked and my daughter started crying. I ran over to close it and saw debris flying across the pavement,” Ms. Mann said.

“I went back to drop off my daughter, and the next moment I saw that the tree in front of the house had been struck by lightning and fallen down.

“It was very scary, but the neighbors were great and called their friends to help clear the fallen tree.”

According to TORRO, the tornado struck around lunchtime and was about 140 meters (450 feet) long at its widest point.




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