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British PM ready to scale back plans for tax blitz on nondomes

British PM ready to scale back plans for tax blitz on nondomes


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British Prime Minister Rachel Reeves is prepared to scale back her budget's tax blitz on bidom amid Treasury concerns that some measures may fail to be funded, according to people familiar with the matter.

Reeves had hoped to raise around $1 billion a year by boosting former Tory Prime Minister Jeremy Hunt's plan to end tax breaks guaranteed to wealthy foreigners who live in the UK and claim their permanent home or address is overseas.

But government officials stressed Thursday that no final decision has been made, even as Reeves said the plan would be reviewed ahead of the Oct. 30 budget if the numbers don't add up.

It comes amid warnings from advisers that thousands of wealthy foreigners with non-resident status are planning to leave the UK.

A government official said, “We are reviewing the proposal in detail.” We will be pragmatic, not ideological. We're not going to keep trying anyway. But we won't give up on this completely.

Treasury officials worry that some of the government's planned non-governmental crackdowns may fail to generate additional revenue as beneficiaries of current tax breaks seek more favorable tax jurisdictions.

Hunt has pledged to implement reforms starting in April 2025, scrapping the non-state tax system in March and raising tax revenues by $2.7 billion by 2028.

The current system allows people who live in the UK but say their residence is overseas to pay UK tax only on UK income and capital gains. They do not pay UK tax unless they bring foreign income or gains into the UK.

Labor has pledged to withdraw concessions from Hunt's plan to abolish non-state status, including UK inheritance tax protection for foreign income and trust income. The Conservatives have also proposed a 50% tax break for non-nationals bringing foreign income into the UK in 2025-26.

Labor has calculated that a tougher crackdown on the non-state class would cost more than $1 billion in taxes in the first year.

Reeves has been flagged by colleagues as wanting to end non-dom status and move beyond Hunt's plan, but she is still working out details, including inheritance tax.

The Treasury characterized this as speculation and said Britain's fiscal watchdog, the Office for Budget Responsibility, would certify the costs of all measures announced in the Budget.

This will eliminate inequities in the tax system and replace the outdated non-state tax system with a new, internationally competitive residency-based system, he added.

Reeves has pledged to stick to his own fiscal rule that public debt as a percentage of GDP will fall within five years. This means she is constrained by OBR forecasts about the effectiveness of tax and spending policies.

Hunt said: It wouldn't be surprising if Labor's policies failed to raise money. Because Labor, as always, fails to understand the importance of globally competitive tax rates to our economy.

Labour's Bedom policy was an election manifesto pledge aimed at raising money to fund more NHS hospital and dental appointments and school breakfast clubs.

The party said it would end a common tax planning method used by wealthy foreigners living in Britain, shortly after Hunt pledged to abolish non-dom status. They place their foreign gains and income in a trust, shielding the money from UK inheritance tax indefinitely. .

The Conservatives have said trusts that exist in April 2025 will not be liable for inheritance tax. Labor, by contrast, said all existing trusts should be held accountable.

Labor has also proposed that individuals would be liable for UK inheritance tax after 10 years of residence, and would continue to pay tax for 10 years after they leave the UK.

Tax experts said the relaxation of these measures would be welcomed by current non-domestic and potential newcomers.

Rachel de Souza, partner at accountancy firm RSM, said a slight tweak to the government's inheritance tax stance would go a long way to preventing the exodus.

Sophie Dworetzsky, partner at law firm Charles Russell Speechlys, said the government's inheritance tax proposals were a rejection of non-doms.

She said the 10-year inheritance tax tag and the fact that existing trusts that people thought were not protected from IHT were absolutely barking.

Additional reporting by Sam Fleming




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