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UK Theater Awards 2024 nominations announced

UK Theater Awards 2024 nominations announced
UK Theater Awards 2024 nominations announced


<마이 페어 레이디>Pamela Race's John Hopkins (center)

Shortlists have been announced for the 2024 UK Theater Awards, which recognize theatrical excellence across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This year's awards ceremony will be held on Sunday 20 October at 8 Northumberland Avenue, London, hosted by Faye Tozer.

Top nominees include Nottingham Playhouse, which won Best Performance in a Play, Excellence in Inclusivity, Excellence in Sustainability and Workforce Award; It was nominated in four categories, including: Bristol Old Vic and Leeds Playhouse each received three nominations. Bristol Old Vic is included in the categories for Best Musical Production, Best New Work and Category of Excellence. Leeds Playhouse was nominated for Best Production of a Musical, while Jenny Fitzpatrick (Oliver!) and John Hopkins (My Fair Lady) were nominated for Best Performance in a Musical, along with Matt Doyle for Sinatra The Musical at Birmingham Rep.

The shortlist for the UK's Most Welcomed Theater Award includes Hall for Cornwall, Octagon Theater Bolton and Polka Theatre. Additionally, Jenny Sealey, Artistic Director of Graeae, will receive the award for Outstanding Contribution to British Theatre.

Full list of candidates

On Stage Awards:

best design

Emma Bailey in Sunset Song Kenneth MacLeod in Dracula: Michael Taylor in Minas ReckoningBhangra Nation

Best Director

Drew McOnie from The Artist Conrad Nelson from One Man, Two GuvnorEmma Rice from The Buddha Of SuburbiaRoxana Silverbert from The Girls Of Slender Means

best musical production

Big Life in Stratford EastOliver! Leeds PlayhouseStarter For Ten at Bristol Old Vic

Best New Play

Peanut Butter and Blueberry Swim at Bristol Old Vic's Child Of Science Kiln Theatre, Auntie, Swim! at the Belgrade Theater

Best Play Revival

The Deep Blue Sea at Ustinov Studio at Theater Royal BathRhino Lyric Theater BelfastA Taste Of Honey at Royal Exchange Theater

achievement of dance

London City Ballet has relaunched the Aakash Odedra Company's Mehek and Kim Brandstrup's Aditi Mangaldas Dance Company Minotaur, Metamorphoses and Echo and Narcissus.

Achievements in Opera

Thomas Allen on his career at GlyndebourneBuxton International Festival 2024 at the Welsh National Opera's Buxton Opera House and Pavilion Arts Center Death In Venice in association with NoFit State

Best Supporting Actor Award (Musical, Theater Category)

Chumisa Dornford-MayTania Mathurin in EvitaBarnumAndrew Schofield for Boys From The Blackstuff

Best Performance in Musical Category

Jenny Fitzpatrick in Sinatra's Matt Doyle musical Oliver! John Hopkins in My Fair Lady

Best Performance in a Play

Heather Agyepong and Tosin Cole in Shifters Ian McDiarmid in The Caretaker David Shields in Punch Keith Singleton in The Pillowman

The best show for children and teenagers

Beauty and the Beast Flip at the Stephen Joseph Theatre! Soho Upstairs Soho TheatreStarchitects Save Santa! at the Midland Arts Center

Off Stage Awards:

Excellence in art education

Lyrics Hammersmith Mayflower Theater and MAST Mayflower Studios Royal Shakespeare Company

Touring Excellence Sponsored by Theater Tokens

ETTTethatr National CymruWise Children

Excellence in Inclusivity

Antony and Cleopatra at Shakespeare's Globe The Old Big Punch at Nottingham Playhouse, Bristol

Excellence in Sustainability

Representing Chichester Festival TheatreDundee and Scottish Dance Theater Nottingham Playhouse

manpower award

Buxton Opera HouseLiverpool Everyman & PlayhouseNottingham Playhouse

Britain's most welcoming theater

Cornwall Hall Octagon Theater Bolton Polka Theater




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