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New Chinese nuclear attack submarine has sunk, US officials say

New Chinese nuclear attack submarine has sunk, US officials say
New Chinese nuclear attack submarine has sunk, US officials say


Satellite images have shown that China's newest nuclear-powered attack submarine sank alongside a pier while it was under construction, a U.S. military official confirmed to CBS News on Thursday.

The sinking of China's first Zhou-class submarine represents a setback for Beijing as it continues to build the world's largest navy. Beijing is increasingly assertive in its claims to almost the entire South China Sea, which is crucial for international trade.

Meanwhile, China faces long-standing territorial disputes involving other countries in the region, including Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. The United States has sought to strengthen ties with allies in the region and regularly sails in those waters in operations it says maintain freedom of navigation for ships, angering Beijing.

The submarine probably sank between May and June, when satellite images showed cranes that would be needed to lift it from the river bottom, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to provide information. details of the loss of the submarine.

This satellite image from Planet Labs PBC shows what appears to be a sunken Chinese submarine at a shipyard near Wuhan, China, June 15, 2024. Planet Labs PBC via AP

China has been building its naval fleet at a breakneck pace, and the United States views China's rise as one of its primary future security concerns.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Friday he was not familiar with the topic and provided no information when asked about it at a news conference in Beijing .

The U.S. official said it was “not surprising” that the Chinese navy would cover it up. The submarine's current condition is unknown.

The identification of the sunken nuclear submarine was first reported by the Wall Street Journal. Thomas Shugart, a former US Navy submariner and analyst at the Center for a New American Security, was the first to notice the incident involving the sub in July, although it was not yet publicly known that it involved the new Zhou-class ship.

Planet Labs PBC satellite images analyzed by The Associated Press show what appears to be a submarine docked at the Shuangliu shipyard on the Yangtze River before the incident.

An image taken on June 15 appears to show the submarine fully or partially submerged just below the river's surface, surrounded by rescue equipment and cranes. Arrows surround it to prevent any oil or other leakage from the ship.

A satellite image taken on August 25 shows a submarine at the same dock as the submerged ship. We don't know if it was the same one.

It remains unclear whether the affected submarine had been loaded with nuclear fuel or whether its reactor was operating at the time of the incident. However, no radiation releases have been reported in the area since then.

Last year, China operated six nuclear-powered missile submarines, six nuclear-powered attack submarines and 48 diesel-powered attack submarines, according to a US military report.

News of the submarine sinking comes as China this week conducted a rare launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile in international waters of the Pacific Ocean. Experts say it was the first time Beijing had conducted such a test since 1980.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was in London this week to discuss progress made by the United States, Britain and Australia toward their shared goal of deterring China's increasingly assertive actions in the 'Indo-Pacific. The London summit is the third defense ministerial meeting of the trilateral AUKUS partnership between the allies and, according to defense officials, will see them review the two key elements or pillars of their joint work to increase security in Indo -Peaceful.

The first of these pillars is to help Australia acquire nuclear-powered submarines, and the second is to collaborate on emerging military capabilities.

Earlier this year, the partnership announced that Japan would work with AUKUS on maritime autonomy and, according to the official, discussions are also underway with Canada, South Korea and New Zealand on potential projects on emerging capabilities.

China has accused AUKUS of provoking a nuclear arms race and disrupting peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region.

Eleanor Watson contributed to this report.

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