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GE Hitachi, Holtec, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse join UK SMR negotiations

GE Hitachi, Holtec, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse join UK SMR negotiations
GE Hitachi, Holtec, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse join UK SMR negotiations


Thursday, September 26, 2024

Great British Nuclear has announced that four companies remain in the competition to select technology for the UK's proposed small modular reactor programme, with NuScale missing out.

A view of each of the four shortlisted designs (Image: Composite of bidders’ SMR images)

Six companies were shortlisted by Great British Nuclear, an arms-length body set up last year to oversee the UK's new nuclear power scheme for the first time. The six companies were EDF, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy International, Holtec Britain, Nuscale, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse Electric Company UK. Six companies were invited to submit initial bids by July, with EDF, which was operated by Nuward SMR, dropping out at that stage.

Great British Nuclear (GBN) said in a short statement on Thursday that it has now completed the initial bidding phase of its technology selection process and has selected GE Hitachi, Holtec, Rolls-Royce SMR and Westinghouse, along with NuScale, which proposed VOYGR. SMR – Not passed. “In the next phase of the procurement process, bidders will be invited to participate in negotiations with GBN,” the statement said.


Among those taking the next step is Andy Champ, UK Regional Leader at GE Hitachi: “We have big ambitions to deploy SMR technology in the UK, so we are proud to be advancing to the next stage of the GBN competition. Field work is already underway with our first BWRX-300 being the most advanced SMR project in the G7. is underway in Canada, putting us in a strong position to lead the deployment of SMRs in the UK by leveraging our expertise in other markets.”

Chris Cholerton, CEO of Rolls-Royce SMR, said: “Rolls-Royce SMR is the only SMR company in the UK and is already 18 months ahead of its competitors in the regulatory approval process. Today’s news that we are entering formal negotiations with GBN will help us maintain this important first-mover advantage. The Rolls-Royce SMR was selected by the Czech Republic to field its SMR fleet and was among the final two in Sweden's SMR selection process. “Success in the UK will further strengthen our position as a leading SMR company and ensure the UK can capitalize on this transformative opportunity for its domestic supply chain.”

Patrick Fragman, Westinghouse President and CEO, said: “We are pleased that GBN has recognized the benefits of the AP300 SMR design, which builds on operating reactors already licensed in the UK. With proven technology and regulator familiarity, the AP300 will be able to go to market quickly, economically and reliably. We look forward to working with GBN through the final review and selection process.”


GE Hitachi is presenting the BWRX-300, a boiling water reactor, Holtec's SMR-300 is a 300MWe pressurized water reactor, Rolls-Royce SMR is a 470MWe pressurized water reactor, and Westinghouse's AP300 is a 300MWe/900MWth pressurized water reactor. . nuclear pile. They all emphasize that their designs build on existing technologies, can be built at high speeds, and benefit from modular production techniques.

In an interview with the World Nuclear News podcast earlier this year, GBN chairman Simon Bowen said the planned timeline would be to reduce the shortlist for selection of SMRs to around four after submitting a response to the bid. With two or three technology providers at the end of the year – this is intended to co-fund the technology until the design, regulatory, environmental and site-specific permitting processes have been completed, with the potential to enter into a supply agreement. equipment. Each selected technology has an assigned site that has the potential to host multiple SMRs.

The goal is to make a final investment decision in 2029.

There have been changes in government since then, but they have promised to continue the process. In its election manifesto, Labor said it would “end a decade of hesitation avoiding a Conservative decision on nuclear power”. By strengthening the security of the sector and extending the life of existing power plants, new nuclear power plants and small modular reactors such as Sizewell C will play a key role in helping the UK achieve its energy goals. “Securing thousands of good, skilled jobs while ensuring security and clean power.”




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