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UK defense supply chain strengthened to support troops

UK defense supply chain strengthened to support troops
UK defense supply chain strengthened to support troops


The British military will be further strengthened today as a supply chain vital to its defense is secured after the government took over a major semiconductor factory in the North East.

Defense Secretary John Healey visited the site today, which is the only secure facility in the UK with the technology and ability to manufacture gallium arsenide semiconductors. These types of specialized semiconductors are used in a variety of military platforms, including to enhance the performance of fighter aircraft.

This acquisition will secure the defense supply chain and the future of facilities critical to key military programs and exports, as well as secure up to 100 skilled jobs in the Northeast.

Semiconductors are critical to the modern world we live in, being an essential component for the functioning of almost every electronic device we use, from phones and computers to ventilators and power plants. The importance of semiconductors in military applications means that this technology will enable the military to fill gaps to support future requirements.

The announcement comes ahead of next month's Investment Summit. This will make it clear that the UK is open for business as the Government resets its relationships with trading partners around the world and creates a pro-business environment that supports innovation and high-quality jobs at home. Support our mission to achieve growth.

The acquisition will also boost the UK's defense capabilities and exports as the government plans to invest in the company over the next few years.

During the visit, the Minister of Defense welcomed the acquisition and spoke directly with the staff.

Secretary of Defense John Healey said:

Semiconductors are at the forefront of the technologies we rely on today, and will be critical to securing future military capabilities.

This acquisition is a clear signal that our Government will support UK defense production. Protect and grow the UK’s defense supply chain to support jobs in the North East, protect critical skills for our armed forces and strengthen our national security.

The semiconductor factory in Newton Aycliffe will be acquired by the government from its former parent Coherent Inc and will be named Octric Semiconductors UK.

This strategic investment will enable the facility to produce gallium arsenide semiconductors as well as future, more powerful semiconductors containing the latest technologies.

More than 1 trillion semiconductors are manufactured each year, and the global semiconductor market is expected to reach a total market size of $1 trillion by 2030. Semiconductors also power future technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum, and 6G.

This Government recognizes the strategic importance of semiconductors as a critical technology for the UK's future and a critical enabler of the Government's growth and clean energy mission.

Work has already begun to implement best practice governance to ensure appropriate financial oversight to ensure the future success of the Company.




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