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Two boys believed to be Britain's youngest felons detained for at least 8 years and 6 months | uk news

Two boys believed to be Britain's youngest felons detained for at least 8 years and 6 months | uk news
Two boys believed to be Britain's youngest felons detained for at least 8 years and 6 months | uk news


Two boys believed to be Britain's youngest violent offenders have been sentenced to at least eight years and six months in prison.

The pair were both 12 years old when they killed 19-year-old Shawn Seesahai in a machete attack in Wolverhampton Park on November 13 last year.

They are believed to be the youngest children to be convicted of murder in Britain since Robert Thompson and John Venables, who were 11 when they were found guilty of murdering two-year-old James Bulger in 1993.

The judge, Mr Justice Tipples, had previously refused a media application to lift reporting restrictions that prevented Seesahai's killer from being identified because of his age.

The victim's parents, from the small Caribbean island of Anguilla, told Sky News they were still in “a lot of pain” and wondered if their son had called “mum or dad” for help when he was attacked.

The judge began sentencing by acknowledging that the prison sentence imposed would provide no comfort to the victim's family.

She said to the boys: “When you killed Shawn, he was 19 years old and starting his adult life with everything.

“His parents lost their son, his sister lost her brother.

“What you did was horrific and shocking. You didn't know Shawn. He was a stranger to you. You killed Shawn with an attack that took less than a minute when he asked you to move (from the bench).

“I’m sure you tried to kill him.”

Image: Sean Sisahai. Photo: West Midlands Police

The judge added that he was not sure which of the two boys inflicted the 23cm deep wound, which went almost through Mr Sishai's entire body.

The teenager had traveled to the UK for cataract surgery and was due to start an engineering course in Birmingham the day after the attack.

One of the killers posed for pictures hours before the killings wearing a mask and holding a machete with a 42.5cm black blade tucked into his top trousers.

Nottingham Crown Court heard that Mr Seesahai, who was a stranger to the boys, was walking through Stowlawn playground with a friend when one of the 12-year-old boys pushed him on the shoulder.

Image: A machete was found under a boy's bed. Photo: West Midlands Police

Mr Sishai was then punched, kicked, trampled and cut, suffering wounds to his back, legs and skull, and a fatal blow more than 20 centimeters deep pierced his heart.

One boy cleaned the knife with bleach and hid it under his bed after the murder.

“It is what it is” and “idrc” (I don’t really care) he wrote in a social media message.

Both men blamed the other for delivering the fatal blows, but prosecutors said they “committed a joint attack against a man who had done nothing wrong, who was unarmed and completely defenseless at the scene.”

Images: Police provided images showing one of the convicted boys with a large knife strapped to his chest. Picture: West Midlands Police/PA

The boys, who were 12 at the time of their convictions and are now 13, are believed to be the youngest children ever convicted of murder with a deadly weapon in the UK.

One of the boys admitted possessing the knife before trial, and the other was found guilty on the charge.

Rachel Brand KC, representing the boy who bought and owned the machete, said: “He was groomed and exploited by older and younger people in the wider community and I wish he had not gone out with the machete.”

“He wishes they hadn't gone to the park. He wishes this hadn't happened,” she said.

Paul Lewis KC, defending the other boy, added that he had no previous involvement in crime. “This was an unplanned, one-time incident that had tragic consequences in a matter of seconds.”

Image: Mr Sishai was 'completely defenseless' when he was attacked, the trial was told. Picture: West Midlands Police/PA

'I was shocked because they were so young'

Sishai's parents said when they attended the trial that their son's killers looked very young.

“I’m shocked that they did something like that when they were so young and small,” his mother Manashwary Seesahai told Sky News.

“From the moment I see them, I get angry because of what they did to my son.”

The parents had planned to move to England to be with their son and send his younger sister Shana, 15, to school, but his murder “changed everything”.

Image: Mr Seesahai's family scattered his ashes at his favorite beach. Follow Sky News on WhatsApp

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“Now I’m too scared to take my daughter away,” Ms Seesahai told Sky News as she scattered her son’s ashes at Crocus Bay, his favorite beach.

“It was so heartbreaking. Soon he would be married, he would have kids, we would have grandkids and have fun with them. That wouldn’t happen anymore.”

Mr Sishai's parents urged their children not to carry weapons, telling them to “think about what they are doing”, but wanted the killers to be jailed for 30 years.

His father Suresh Seesahai said, “There should be appropriate sentencing for knife crime. Murder is murder.”

“They didn't kill my son the way someone should be killed. They killed him, cut him up, cut off his leg, cut off his shoulder, beat him… they did a terrible thing to him.”

Image: The blue forensics tent where Shawn Seesahai was murdered last November. Photo: Stephanie Wareham/PA

West Midlands Police Chief Constable Kim Madill said outside the court after sentencing: “Sean was only 19 years old when he lost his life at the hands of two boys armed with machetes. He was 12 years old at the time.

“That reality has had a huge impact on all of us. It is shocking and saddening. The impact of violent crime is devastating no matter where you live in the country. This is an issue that affects us all.

“A lot of work has been done and we have had success in some areas, but this is not enough.

“We are listening to families affected by knife crime and acting on their feedback to see what more we can do with our partners to stop the harm caused by knife crime.”




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