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US Navy warships targeted in 'complex attack' in Red Sea

US Navy warships targeted in 'complex attack' in Red Sea
US Navy warships targeted in 'complex attack' in Red Sea


Several US Navy warships were targeted Friday in a “complex attack” carried out in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthis, according to the Department of Defense.

“We saw a complex attack launched by the Houthis, ranging from cruise missiles and [unmanned aerial vehicles]” said Sabrina Singh, deputy press secretary of the Ministry of Defense.

On Friday, Iran-backed Houthi forces said they damaged three US Navy warships in an assault involving 23 missile and bomber drones. The Defense Department denied that any U.S. military ships were hit. Newsweek has contacted the Pentagon for comment.

“My understanding is that these were either engaged and shot down or failed,” Singh said of the missile attacks, adding that no U.S. service members were injured.

Military news site Stars and Stripes said U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East, as well as the Navy Office of Information, confirmed that Navy forces successfully intercepted missiles.

The Houthis' military spokesman said in a televised address that the ships were targeted as they transited the Bab al-Mandeb Strait. It is a vital waterway linking the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, located between Yemen and the Horn of Africa, home to the USS Abraham Lincoln and its carrier strike group.

The USS “Mason” (DDG 87) conducts maneuvers as part of an exercise in the Gulf of Oman September 10, 2016. U.S. warships were attacked by the Houthis in Yemen. The USS “Mason” (DDG 87) conducts maneuvers as part of an exercise in the Gulf of Oman September 10, 2016. U.S. warships were attacked by the Houthis in Yemen. Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Blake Midnight/AP

The strike group includes three destroyers: USS Spruance, USS Stockdale, and USS O'Kane.

On Friday, Singh refused to confirm whether the destroyers were the intended targets of the Houthi missile attack.

“Sometimes it's hard to know if they're being shot down near a U.S. ship or if they're targeting another ship. We always take measures for self-defense, so I can't really tell you what target is aimed at,” Singh said. .

“We did what was necessary to protect our forces and, in the end, no ships were hit, no damage and no injuries to our personnel,” she added.

Yemen's Houthis have carried out a series of strikes against US warships and commercial vessels in the Red Sea since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip last year.

U.S. warships are regularly tasked with intercepting such threats and often carry out strikes against rebel forces in Yemen. For example, in December, the USS Carney shot down 14 Houthi drones that were targeting the guided-missile destroyer.

The Houthis have said more attacks will take place if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not end offensives in Gaza and Lebanon.

Last week, the Houthis launched a missile into central Israel, leading Netanyahu to warn that Yemeni rebels would face “a heavy price.” The attack reportedly sent travelers at Ben Gurion International Airport rushing to shelters for safety, with air alert sirens blaring in Tel Aviv and neighboring areas.




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