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Helen's death toll rises as U.S. braces for multibillion-dollar insurance costs

Helen's death toll rises as U.S. braces for multibillion-dollar insurance costs


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Hurricane Helene killed more than 50 people and left millions of homes and businesses without power as it swept across the southeastern United States, leaving analysts expecting it to could result in insurance losses of tens of billions of dollars.

Helene was downgraded from a category four hurricane, the second most powerful measure, to a post-tropical cyclone after hitting Florida's Gulf Coast Thursday evening with winds of up to 140 mph.

As of midday Saturday, at least 52 people had died in five states, according to the Associated Press. Deadly storm surges, high winds and torrential rain left more than 3 million homes and businesses without power, AP reported.

Moodys Analytics said it expects $15 billion to $26 billion in property damage and a $5 billion to $8 billion reduction in production, resulting in a total cost of $20 billion to $34 billion.

A third straight year in which a severe hurricane hit Florida's Gulf Coast reinforces growing concerns about long-term impacts, said Adam Kamins, senior director of economic research at Moodys Analytics.

Even if weather hazards alone don't force residents to leave an area, further increases in insurance premiums could. Significant changes over the next two years are unlikely, but the corrosive impact on housing affordability in the Sunshine State appears to be an ever-increasing risk, he said.


The storm made landfall in the Big Bend region of northwest Florida shortly after 11 p.m. Thursday, before moving through the Panhandle region and into Georgia around 1 a.m. Friday, according to the United States' National Hurricane Center. -United. From there it weakened, but torrential rains caused disastrous flooding in the Carolinas and Tennessee.

Videos posted on social media showed extensive damage in Florida, with strong waves hitting the coast and homes and streets flooded.

The hurricane center said Helene was weakening as it moved rapidly north-northeast across Georgia, while warning of the threat of storm surge, high winds and heavy rain remained critical. It is expected to sweep across the Tennessee Valley Saturday and Sunday, the center said.

Earlier, it raised the alarm about a deadly storm surge along the Florida coast, with destructive waves reaching 20 feet above ground level.

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The U.S. National Weather Service warned residents to expect catastrophic and life-threatening urban and flash flooding, including numerous large landslides in parts of the southern Appalachian Mountains on Friday.

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US President Joe Biden said he was deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation caused by the storm, and that his administration was in contact with state and local authorities.

As we turn our attention to recovery efforts, we will ensure that no resource is spared to ensure that families, businesses, schools, hospitals and entire communities can quickly begin their path to rebuilding, a he declared on Saturday.

Additional reporting by Ian Smith




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