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Inside Britain's first fossil fuel free flight school | Science and Technology News

Inside Britain's first fossil fuel free flight school | Science and Technology News
Inside Britain's first fossil fuel free flight school | Science and Technology News


Sitting at the end of the runway, seconds before I was cleared for takeoff, the spinning propeller of the plane I was sitting in suddenly shook and came to a quick, ominous halt.

Adam Twidell, the pilot and instructor sitting next to me, senses my nerves.

“This is another advantage of electric airplanes,” he laughed. “Unlike traditional airplanes that idle and burn fossil fuels, electric airplanes save energy by stopping.”

Then the propellers started whirring once again and we took off down the runway and into the sky above Surrey.

The two-seat Pipistrel Velis Electro is a full-power aircraft designed for pilot training and short-haul flights.

Image: Pipistrel Velis Electro is designed for pilot training and short hops. Images: Jonathan Samuels and pilot Adam Twidell

This is the first zero-emission aircraft certified for normal operation. In fact, the only emissions come from construction, maintenance, final end-of-life processes and the electricity used for charging.

The ride is incredibly smooth and quieter because there is no combustion engine and less vibration.

Fairoaks Airport in Surrey now has the UK's first fossil fuel-free flight school.

Student pilot Cameron Taylor is taking the first step toward his generation's future in fossil fuel-free skies.

Image: Cameron believes fossil fuel free flight is the future.

Sitting inside the Pipistrel Velis Electro where he is undergoing flight training, he explains that it is much simpler to fly than a regular aircraft.

“A typical aircraft has a lot more moving parts and a lot more things to consider, but this aircraft only has four switches that control the major instruments,” he says.

4AIR, an aviation sustainability solutions provider, advises the aviation industry on how to be more environmentally friendly and supports flight schools with its partner Synergy Flight Training.

4AIR's Kennedy Ricci believes new environmentally conscious pilots will demand a faster journey to 'jet zero'.

Image: Kennedy Ricci from aviation sustainability solutions provider 4AIR

“As younger generations learn how to fly these planes, the appetite for more electric aircraft will grow,” he says.

It takes just 45 minutes to charge the aircraft, and powering the entire battery costs just a few pounds. This is attractive to students who pay for classes. 4AIR offsets the energy used.

Electric planes could one day become commuter aircraft suitable for short journeys, and there are now charging stations at more than a dozen airports in the UK.

It's something we rarely think about that battery-powered passenger planes will take us across the Atlantic.

Image: Aircraft interior with four switches controlling key devices

Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is being developed, but SAF is expensive and so far only produced in quantities needed.

Airlines are also investing in improving fuel-efficient aircraft operations, including flight path optimization and weight reduction.

Research is also underway on long-term solutions, such as hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Image: Instructor Adam Twidell with trainee pilot Cameron Taylor Image: It takes just 45 minutes to charge the aircraft and powering a full battery costs just a few pounds.

Back in the air, I half-watched the battery power monitor.

Adam says he doesn't suffer from “range anxiety” and is confident he can fly for an hour on his batteries, but he always lands at least 15 minutes before his time is up.

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He gave me control for a few minutes, my clammy hands gently moving the steering column. Swooping over Surrey, we spotted Thorpe Park out one window, Heathrow Airport and gas-guzzling jets out the other.

Safely back on the ground, I caught up with Cameron again.

“It gives me great pleasure to know that I am contributing to an environmentally friendly future,” he says. “I’m helping prove that this is something we can do. A lot of people don’t realize how far the technology has come.”




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