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The UK is set to become increasingly hotter and drier for plants. Except Manchester | uk news

The UK is set to become increasingly hotter and drier for plants. Except Manchester | uk news
The UK is set to become increasingly hotter and drier for plants. Except Manchester | uk news


The climate is changing British gardens everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. The Royal Horticultural Society modeled how global heating will affect properties by 2075 and found that summers will become hotter and drier in all gardens except Manchester.

Greater Manchester is famous for its rain gutters and even has a website that tracks rainfall called Rainchester. This means the RHS Bridgewater garden in Salford is being earmarked for species that thrive in cooler, wetter climates.

Trees including oak, birch and beech, which have been part of the British landscape for centuries, are beginning to suffer damage in southern England. Consideration is therefore being given to a new arboretum at RHS Bridgewaters, a botanical garden aiming to conserve a wide range of species.

It will be an oasis of sorts compared to other parts of the UK, with gardeners elsewhere already adapting to the extreme weather conditions. This year, despite a dreary summer, sales of puddles and greenhouse shades have soared.

Greenhouse manufacturer Hartley Botanic said sales of greenhouse blinds had increased 30% compared to last year, and sales of water butts had also increased. CEO Tom Barry said customers were adapting to increasingly extreme weather conditions.

While other independent garden suppliers such as Marshalls Garden, Enviroblinds and De Leuw have reported similar increases, B&Q said an increasing number of people were searching its website for parasols, water ants, bark chips and mulch. .

They are grappling with the same problems as RHS. According to the Met Office, Britain's summer was the coolest since 2015, but it was considered warmer than average from 1961 to 1990. Wet weather ruined many summer holidays, but rainfall was actually 5% below average.

Dry Greenwich Royal Park during a heatwave in August 2022. Photo: Fraser Gray/REX/Shutterstock

The RHS has five gardens in the UK that it uses to maintain species in a variety of climates. Jon Webster, curator at RHS Rosemoor in Devon, said they had mapped projected changes in temperature and rainfall out to 2075.

We have seen hotter, drier summers for most, but RHS Bridgewater is the only garden that has remained fairly stable in climate. Webster said he had taken the mantle from us as the wettest garden at the RHS.

Four other plants have already become drier and a collection of plants including 130 species of rhubarb, rhododendrons and gooseberries has already had to be moved north from RHS Wisley in Surrey to Bridgewater.

New arboretums are planned for Bridgewater and RHS Hyde Hall, a major event in Essex for the RHS, which last planted an arboretum at Rosemoor around 25 years ago.

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You would never think of an oak tree as a tree in an arboretum in England. But this drier, hotter climate is giving oak trees a real competitor, Webster said. While beech and birch trees are struggling, invasive species such as magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), native to the southern United States, are doing well in Wisley, he added.

The birch tree has beautiful bark, so it is a tree you want to include in your landscape. However, the southeast does not enjoy this hot weather. This is especially true for Himalayan birch trees. They are defoliating earlier. More trees are dying off, leaving their upper branches above the tops of their leaves.

Domestic gardeners may use water butts, but Webster and his colleagues are creating new reservoirs from disused canals and lime kilns at Rosemoor, and Wisley is creating a new lake through rainwater harvesting.

The RHS has also begun using alligator bags, which cover the base of young trees and allow water to drip down at a steady rate, and Webster advocates tight planting, which keeps the soil moist with less exposure while reducing weeds. It's important to provide shade for greenhouse plants, he said, and do so by using heat screens or whitewashing the glass.

Harlow Carr, in Harrogate, has fantastic alpine homes, but summer temperatures are so hot that they have planted cacti and succulents, which would not have been the case 10 years ago, Webster said. We had to constantly review and develop our collection, and the same was true for our domestic gardeners.




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