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US not informed of Israeli strike that killed Nasrallah, top Biden adviser says | American foreign policy

US not informed of Israeli strike that killed Nasrallah, top Biden adviser says | American foreign policy
US not informed of Israeli strike that killed Nasrallah, top Biden adviser says | American foreign policy


The White House said Sunday it was not warned before the airstrike that killed Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a Beirut suburb and assumed it caused civilian casualties, while reaffirming its unwavering support for Israel.

John Kirby, the national security spokesman, said the United States was not informed of the airstrike and that President Joe Biden only learned of it after Israeli planes were already in the air.

Speaking to CNN, Kirby also said there was no doubt civilians were killed in the attack. We certainly assume there were civilian casualties. I don't think we can quantify it at the moment, but we are in contact with our Israeli counterparts, Kirby said.

Iran said the United States was complicit in the Israeli action and vowed retaliation for Friday's massive airstrike in Beirut, which killed Nasrallah and raised fears the Middle East conflict could spiral out of control.

Stepping off a plane at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday, Joe Biden said: “We really need to avoid all-out war in the Middle East and he would speak with Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

We feared from the beginning that this situation would expand into a regional war, Kirby said. Pay close attention to the rhetoric coming out of Iran and watch what they do. We have the capacity to defend our troops and our installations as well as Israel itself if that happens.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was reportedly only aware of this strike when he arrived in Washington after speaking in New York. He said he believed diplomacy was the best path forward as Israeli bombing of Lebanon continues.

Speaking to reporters in New York on Friday afternoon, Blinken said the Middle East and the world face precarious times.

On Saturday, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, to discuss the situation in Lebanon. According to the Department of Defense, Austin reiterated that Israel has the right to defend itself and that the United States is committed to deterring Iran and its Iranian-backed partners and proxies from taking advantage of the situation or extend the conflict.

Kirby said Sunday: “Our support for Israel’s security remains unwavering and that will not change.

But, he added, that doesn't mean Biden and Netanyahu aren't capable of having difficult conversations with each other, and President Biden will continue to defend the right to protect civilians.

Kirby said: I don't think anyone is mourning the loss of Mr. Nasrallah, a known terrorist with American and Israeli blood on his hands. While we do not mourn his death, we certainly mourn the loss of all civilian life.

But he refused to be drawn into criticism of the Israeli tactic of dropping bombs, which reportedly appear to be American-made, on a densely populated Beirut neighborhood. Having decimated Hezbollah's command structure certainly benefits the Israelis and is good for the region and the world.

We continue to discuss next steps with the Israelis and the President believes that time and space must be allowed for diplomacy. This means we would like to see a ceasefire in place so diplomacy can breathe.

Senior politicians also spoke out on Sunday about the Israeli strike in Beirut.

The Israeli military sent a powerful message to Hezbollah, Democratic Arizona Senator Mark Kelly told NBC.

His good Nasrallah is dead. He's a terrorist. He killed so many innocent people and this needs to be addressed. The issue has been addressed.

Kelly said Israel had made progress regarding concerns about civilian casualties.

I have seen positive responses, he said. We are seeing increased use of guided munitions, JDAMs, and we continue to supply these weapons. That 2,000 pound bomb that was used to take out Nasrallah, I'm pretty sure that was a guided weapon that was used in that case.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio was asked if he thought Iran would retaliate. It will be Iran's decision, Rubio said. Anytime the Iranian regime dedicates itself to defense, it's good for the world, it's good for America, and it's good for Israel.




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