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Mark Cuban warns US must win AI race 'or we'll lose everything'

Mark Cuban warns US must win AI race 'or we'll lose everything'
Mark Cuban warns US must win AI race 'or we'll lose everything'


Billionaire investor Mark Cuban has warned that the stakes could not be higher for the United States in the global competition for leadership in artificial intelligence.

In an interview on CNBC on Thursday, he was asked whether the federal government's prioritization of certain investments as part of industrial policy was a mistake.

Our military dominance, our place in the world, depends on our ability to invest in AI. Period. End of story, he said. Whoever wins the AI ​​has the best army. There is no doubt about it.

Even as private companies and the Defense Department invest in AI, it's still not enough and more needs to be done, Cuban added.

The pillars of geopolitical and financial strength in the Americas will depend on the outcome of the AI ​​race.

We cannot lose this battle, otherwise we will lose everything, he warned. This defines our currency. It defines how we compete in the world. This defines our army. It is therefore essential to invest in this area.

The comments come as Vice President Kamala Harris, whose presidential campaign enjoys Cuban support, provided more details on her economic agenda.

In a speech Wednesday in Pittsburgh, she called for more investment in key sectors like semiconductors and clean energy. Afterwards, Cuban praised the speech and also highlighted the importance of AI for the US military.

She talked, and especially with me, she talked about new technologies and the promotion of AI, he told the Washington Post. You can talk about military all you want, but if we don't have the best AI in the universe, we're in trouble.

Meanwhile, Silicon Valley venture capital firms are paying more attention to the emerging field of defense technology. Last month, startup incubator Y Combinator made its first investment in a weapons maker, Ares Industries, which promises to make anti-ship missiles 10 times smaller and cheaper than those currently available.

And more established companies, like data mining software maker Palantir, are becoming a major investment, as more governments, militaries and businesses deploy its AI-based platforms .

The impact of AI on the military has also appeared on the radar of former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. In a commentary published last month with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, they warned that the United States is unprepared for the wars of the future as adversaries like Russia and China invest in new technologies.

Rather than jets, ships and tanks, future conflicts will be dominated by autonomous weapons systems and powerful algorithms, they added.

The country must reform the structure of its armed forces, Milley and Schmidt wrote. The U.S. military must reform its tactics and develop its leadership. He needs new ways to obtain equipment. He needs to purchase new types of equipment. And it needs to better train soldiers to fly drones and use AI.

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