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British law enforcement is working with Bulgarian authorities to stop hundreds of boats and engines targeting smugglers.

British law enforcement is working with Bulgarian authorities to stop hundreds of boats and engines targeting smugglers.
British law enforcement is working with Bulgarian authorities to stop hundreds of boats and engines targeting smugglers.


National Crime Agency officers have led a law enforcement partnership with Bulgarian authorities to prevent hundreds of boats, engines and other marine equipment from falling into the hands of smugglers.

Over the past 12 months, the NCA has been working closely with the Bulgarian Customs Service and the Bulgarian Border Police, along with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the FCDO, to share intelligence and strengthen joint operations targeting criminal supply chains.

As a result, 33 separate cases of maritime equipment used by criminal gangs to organize waterway crossings were seized, including 125 dangerous inflatable boats, 128 outboard engines, more than 700 pumps and 300 rubber rings.

NCA experts estimate the seizure will deny criminal networks about $16.6 million in profits they could have made by using the equipment to cross.

Earlier this month the task force, made up of officers from the NCA, Border Force, HMRC and the Home Office's International Operations, traveled to the Kapitan Andreevo border crossing in southern Bulgaria for joint training with its Bulgarian partners, conducting training and targeted searches of vehicles and cargo. . We use dogs and specialized equipment.

The day after the training ended, another 10 Chinese-made outboard engines were confiscated.

The engine was discovered during a thorough customs inspection of a vehicle driven by a Bulgarian national who claimed to be transporting furniture for personal use. The engine was found in the cargo and the driver was fined.

Kapitan Andreevo is one of the busiest land borders in Europe and the busiest land border in Bulgaria in terms of traffic of people, vehicles and goods, making it a key target for human traffickers and criminal smuggling networks .

NCA Intelligence Director Adrian Matthews said:

Bulgaria is a key location on the supply route for criminal smuggling networks involved in organizing dangerous strait boat crossings.

Removing this equipment before it arrives not only disrupts their activities and hurts their profits, it also prevents lethal boats and underpowered engines from being used on the seas where lives are at risk.

The UK and Bulgaria are close partners and allies, working together to tackle organized crime and illegal migration, strengthening border security between our two countries.

And together, we remain committed to doing our best to disrupt and dismantle smuggling networks that profit from misery, wherever and however they operate.

Georgi Gospodinov, Head of Customs at Kapitan Andreevo BCP, said:

“Joint training with our partners in UK law enforcement is very important to us.

“Sharing best practices ensures good results in efficiently dealing with contraband and illicit human trafficking routes.”

Angela Eagle, Minister of Border Security and Asylum, said:

“This operation shows what can be achieved through international cooperation to track down criminal smuggling gangs who make millions of dollars through small boats. Our Border Security Command works with investigators stationed across Europe to work on operations like this. These efforts will be strengthened with additional resources to support.

We will not stand by while criminals victimize vulnerable people, including women and children.

Thanks to the efforts of the NCA, Border Force and other Home Office staff, working closely with our Bulgarian allies, our borders have become safer and more lives have potentially been saved. By confiscating the equipment used in these dangerous and flimsy boats, we are also dealing a major blow to the activities of smugglers and cutting them millions of dollars in profits.

NCA has an international network of liaison officers based in strategic locations around the world and covering more than 130 countries.

The network works with international partners to help disrupt criminal networks affecting the UK, including those involved in organized immigration crime, sharing intelligence and coordinating law enforcement actions.

September 29, 2024.




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