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The United States strengthens its air support and increases the readiness of its troops in the Middle East

The United States strengthens its air support and increases the readiness of its troops in the Middle East
The United States strengthens its air support and increases the readiness of its troops in the Middle East


The Pentagon warns Iran against expanding the conflict. The United States is increasing its air support capabilities in the Middle East. US troops ready to deploy

WASHINGTON, Sept 29 (Reuters) – The U.S. military said on Sunday it was increasing its air support capabilities in the Middle East and putting its troops in increased readiness to deploy to the region, while putting warns Iran against the extension of the current conflict.

The announcement comes two days after President Joe Biden ordered the Pentagon to adjust the posture of U.S. forces in the Middle East, amid growing fears that Israel's assassination of the Iranian-backed Hezbollah leader could incite Tehran to retaliate.

“The United States is committed to preventing Iran and its Iranian-backed partners and proxies from exploiting the situation or expanding the conflict,” Pentagon spokesman General Patrick Ryder said in a statement. a press release.

He also warned that if Iran or Tehran-backed groups “use this moment to target U.S. personnel or U.S. interests in the region, the United States will take all necessary measures to defend our people.”

The Pentagon statement offered few clues as to the size or scope of the new air deployment, saying only that “we will further strengthen our defensive air support capabilities in the coming days.”

Israel struck more targets in Lebanon on Sunday, pressing Hezbollah with new attacks after killing the group's leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and a series of its other top commanders during an intensifying military campaign.

The strikes dealt a stunning series of blows to Hezbollah after nearly a year of cross-border fire, killing many of its leaders and exposing gaping security gaps. But it also raised questions about Washington's publicly stated goals to contain the conflict and protect U.S. personnel throughout the Middle East.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said Sunday that the United States is monitoring what Hezbollah is doing to try to fill its leadership vacuum, “and continues to discuss next steps with the Israelis.” to be continued.”

The US State Department has not yet ordered an evacuation from Lebanon. But last week, U.S. officials told Reuters that the Pentagon was sending a few dozen additional troops to Cyprus to help the military prepare for scenarios including an evacuation of Americans from Lebanon.

The Pentagon said US forces were ready to deploy if necessary.

“(Austin) has increased the readiness of additional U.S. forces to deploy, thereby elevating our readiness to respond to various contingencies,” Ryder said in a statement.

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Reporting by Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali Editing by Nick Zieminski

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Phil Stewart has reported from more than 60 countries, including Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, China and South Sudan. An award-winning national security reporter based in Washington, Phil has appeared on NPR, PBS NewsHour, Fox News and other programs and moderated national security events, including at the Reagan National Defense Forum and the German Marshall Fund. He is the recipient of the Edwin M. Hood Award for Diplomatic Correspondence and the Joe Galloway Award.

National security correspondent focusing on the Pentagon in Washington DC. It reports on American military activity and operations around the world and their impact. Has reported from more than two dozen countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan and much of the Middle East, Asia and Europe. From Karachi, Pakistan.




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