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British universities urge government to resume influx of EU students after Brexit | university

British universities urge government to resume influx of EU students after Brexit | university
British universities urge government to resume influx of EU students after Brexit | university


British universities are calling on the government to find ways to restart the flow of EU students to the UK after Brexit, including a possible return to the Erasmus student exchange programme.

But as Keir Starmer prepares for his first bilateral meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday, UK universities are facing renewed toxic Brexit conflict over migration issues. It said it was determined not to do so and was adopting a watch-and-wait approach. .

Vivienne Stern, chief executive of Universities UK, said: “It’s really, really unfortunate that we haven’t been able to attract really good European students to the UK.” But she said she recognized the toxic domestic politics surrounding the prospect of a mass return of EU citizens to British education.

It is not in our interest for the Government to become embroiled in the kind of toxic debate about domestic immigration. “Because if we get the government to crack down on immigration in a different way, it will ultimately hurt us very much,” she said.

Speaking in New York on Friday, Starmer appeared to soften resistance to his youth mobility plan, which would allow under-30s to return to the EU for working holidays. He explained that while there are no plans for a youth mobility plan, Wednesday's meeting is important.

EU sources said the meeting was designed to confirm a political direction for a work program on a range of topics, including defense and security, and to expand the scope of the veterinary agreement as part of a wider reset of the relationship between the EU and the UK. .

The two sides plan to cooperate over the next six months while exploring short-term and long-term negotiation paths through the EU-UK summit next spring.

So far, much of the focus on reviving post-Brexit opportunities for young people has centered on last April's EU proposals for a youth mobility scheme that would allow under-30s to study or work abroad for a limited period of time.

But little has been said politically about the Erasmus student exchange program, which before Brexit saw around 15,000 British students study at EU universities each year.

The UK attempted to negotiate to retain its associate membership in Erasmus, but the financial burden was disproportionate to that of the UK and universities had to bear the costs of admitting more students.

EU data for 2020 shows that 17,795 students came to the UK in 2018/2019, almost double the number of UK students who went to the EU (9,908). The previous year, 18,839 EU citizens came to UK universities and 9,540 went to the EU.

But Stern says one option would be to revisit the amendment mechanism built into the hotly contested deal for associate membership in the EU's Horizon science program.

In 2019, after months of brinkmanship, Lord Frost finally struck a deal that would allow Britain to recoup its money if it paid more than it spent on Horizon.

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UK universities also believe there are elements of Turing, the UK's alternative mobility scheme, that offer fresh ideas on student exchange for future negotiations.

Erasmus allows for two to up to 12 months of study, while Turing, which is expected to take up 23,000 students this year, allows for four weeks of study. With Eramus, we can increase employment rates for underprivileged groups by allowing summer school education and vocational training rather than academic experiences.

Stern said he was holding off on any government calls for Erasmus and had not pinned our colors to the mast to see how the debate unfolded.

She said it was fantastic that young people and students were at the center of discussions on resetting relations with the EU.

But she added that she doesn't want them to be prohibitive or a bargaining chip. We feel a little uncomfortable when we think that something so important to us could be associated with big politics.




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