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Tata Steel: Britain's largest steel mill halts production for over 100 years | uk news

Tata Steel: Britain's largest steel mill halts production for over 100 years | uk news
Tata Steel: Britain's largest steel mill halts production for over 100 years | uk news


Britain's largest steelworks will cease production today after more than 100 years, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs across South Wales.

Blast Furnace 4, the final furnace at the Tata Steel plant in Port Talbot, is scheduled to close for good at 5pm and the last steel will be produced late on Monday evening.

Tata UK CEO Rajesh Nair admitted in an email to staff seen by Sky News that it would be a “difficult day” of “great emotion and reflection”.

Tata Steel is replacing its blast furnaces with eco-friendly electric furnaces using British scrap metal, but they will not be operational until 2028.

The transition will cost £1.25 billion, of which £500 million will be paid by the UK government, and result in the loss of almost 3,000 jobs – almost 75% of the workforce.

Image: Photo: iStock

“This is a significant event in the history of the UK steel industry as the existing steel assets in Port Talbot close at the end of their useful life,” Tata Steel said in a statement.

However, it said steelmaking at the site would resume in 2027/2028, thanks to investment in “low CO2 ‘green’ steel” that offers a “brighter, greener future”.

The plan will “sustain more than 5,000 jobs across the UK and provide a competitive market advantage for Tata Steel businesses across the UK.”

The union has been fighting for months to reverse the blast furnace closures and reduce the number of layoffs.

Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of the Community Union, which represents most steelworkers in Port Talbot, said it was an “incredibly sad and heartbreaking day” for the British steel industry.

“It’s also a moment of great frustration. It didn’t have to be this way.”

“Last year, the Community and GMB announced a credible alternative plan for Port Talbot that would ensure a fair transition to green steel manufacturing and avoid forced redundancies. Tata's decision to reject the plan is historic. “It will go down as a missed opportunity,” he added.

Image: Photo: PA

In an email to employees last Friday, Tata UK CEO Rajesh Nair said: “Port Talbot has long been associated with the steel industry and the closure of our heavy machinery operations will be a very meaningful and emotional day for our past employees, present – ​​contractor partners and the local community.

“It will of course be a difficult day, but it is a necessary step as we transition to a greener steel future and secure Port Talbot’s steelmaking heritage for future generations.”

READ MORE: Closure 'will tear communities apart'

With around 2,800 job losses, many fear more workers across the wider supply chain will be affected.

Today the Welsh Government announced that affected businesses can apply for funding to overcome “short-term challenges” during the transition phase.

Financial support for affected companies

Jo Stevens, Secretary of State for Wales and chair of the transition committee, said: “Businesses and workers supplying Tata have been feeling the impact of the changes at Port Talbot for months.

“That’s why I’m announcing this £13.5 million in funding within weeks of the new UK Government taking office, and working with our partners in the Welsh Government and councils to open applications.

“I encourage affected businesses to come forward and check their eligibility for this financial support as part of the wider support package we are rolling out. The Government will support workers and businesses no matter what.”

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The huge Port Talbot steelworks will not close completely. We will continue to operate our hot and cold strip plants to roll steel slabs imported from overseas.

But today is a very important day not only for Britain's industrial infrastructure, but also for a city built on steel that no longer produces steel.

The government announced earlier this month that it will publish a strategy for the future of British steel next spring.




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