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Britain's last coal power plant closes

Britain's last coal power plant closes
Britain's last coal power plant closes


Britain is scheduled to close its last coal-fired power plant today. The closure of Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station marks the end of the UK's coal-fired power era, making the UK the first G7 country and advanced industrialized country to achieve this goal.

In 2012, the UK still generated around 40% of its electricity from coal, but this figure has now fallen to zero in just 12 years. This is a significant step in the UK's transition away from fossil fuels, with oil and gas set to follow, and shows what can be done when there is cross-party agreement behind ambitious measures to decarbonise the energy system.

In the UK, coal has not been replaced by gas power. Instead, wind (up 315%), solar and falling electricity demand have filled the gap, with UK power sector emissions plummeting 74% since 2012.

Coal is the dirtiest fossil fuel and rapidly eliminating coal-fired power globally is critical to stopping climate change. The UK has achieved this historic goal through policies that ban the construction of new coal-fired power plants that do not use expensive carbon capture technology, policies that impose carbon emissions limits on existing coal-fired power plants, policies that increase the cost of carbon pollution, and rapid construction. Achieved. Renewable energy capacity, especially offshore wind. As a result, coal became uncompetitive and was pressured by cheaper, cleaner energy.

Britain was the birthplace of coal power generation, with the world's first coal-fired power plant being built in London in 1882. Coal led to Britain's industrial revolution, but the country is now emerging as a world leader in building clean power systems. The new Labor government has committed to decarbonising the electricity system by 2030.

The phasing out of coal power in the UK is part of a growing global shift. Since the 2015 Paris Agreement, global planned coal capacity has fallen by 70%, and the number of countries planning new coal has halved from 65 to 33. This is largely due to the plummeting cost of renewable energy. A cheaper alternative to coal in most markets. The cost of solar power has plummeted 90% since 2015, and the cost of offshore wind power in the UK has also fallen 70%. Neither the European Commission nor the G7 have called for new coal globally.

The UK and Canada established the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) in 2017 to accelerate the global transition away from coal. Through its secretariat hosted by E3G, it has grown to 181 national, regional and non-state actors committed to the continued phase-out of coal power, including 24 out of 27 EU governments. On September 17, the UK's new Foreign Secretary, David Lammy, announced the UK's intention to build on this success and establish a global Clean Power Alliance.


Ed Matthew, head of campaigns at independent climate change think tank E3G, said:

The UK is the first country to build a coal-fired power plant. It is true that it was the first major economy to move away from coal power generation. This is true global leadership that blazes a trail for other countries to follow. The UK will now focus on rapidly eliminating unabated gas from its power system and oil from transport. The clean energy revolution is in full swing, and the prize will be cheaper, safer, less polluting, and an opportunity to end the climate crisis.

Matt Webb, Deputy Director of E3G's Coal to Clean Program, said:

The birthplace of coal power generation is turning its back on coal forever. The UK has recognized that its energy future is clean, not coal. Now is the time to build on this momentum and years of work from civil society and platforms such as the Powering Past Coal Alliance to accelerate the global transition to clean energy, including through the UK’s proposed Global Clean Power Alliance. no see.”

Julie Skorupska, Executive Director of the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), said:

The UK has proven that it is possible to phase out coal power at an unprecedented rate. A third of all countries pledged to do the same when they joined the Powering Past Coal Alliance. Others will need to step up their efforts, but you don't have to do it alone. PPCA brings together governments, financial institutions, and businesses to help countries phase out coal and reap the benefits of a clean energy transition. As countries develop new NDCs, we need to see ambitious new commitments.

Rt Hon Lord Deben, former Chair of the Climate Change Committee, said:

“King Kol is dead. His clean successors live long. “Today is the day we finally recognize that we can have power without costing the planet.”


Ed Matthew, E3G Campaign Director: [email protected]

Matt Webb, Deputy Director, E3G Coal Clean Program: [email protected]

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